Brill’s New Pauly Supplements I - Volume 3 : Historical Atlas of the Ancient World

Get access Subject: Classical Studies
Edited by: Anne Wittke, Eckhart Olshausen and Richard Szydlak

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This new atlas of the ancient world illustrates the political, economic, social and cultural developments in the ancient Near East, the Mediterranean world, the Byzantine Empire, the Islamic world and the Holy Roman Empire from the 3rd millennium BC until the 15th century AD.

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From the Mediterranean to India. Overland and maritime routes in the 1st/2nd cents. AD

(2,191 words)

Author(s): Olshausen, E.
It has seldom been mere curiosity that has stimulated people to seek out and explore new regions. The journeys of exploration shown on the maps on Exploration in the ancient world almost all bear the hallmarks of economic expediency. This is particularly true of the recorded visits to India. It was often monarchs of Egypt who commissioned such voyages. From Egypt above all came the decisive impulse to convey knowledge and goods between the Mediterranean and Indian worlds. Both land journeys and …