Brill’s New Pauly Supplements I - Volume 3 : Historical Atlas of the Ancient World

Get access Subject: Classical Studies
Edited by: Anne Wittke, Eckhart Olshausen and Richard Szydlak

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This new atlas of the ancient world illustrates the political, economic, social and cultural developments in the ancient Near East, the Mediterranean world, the Byzantine Empire, the Islamic world and the Holy Roman Empire from the 3rd millennium BC until the 15th century AD.

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Syria and Palestine, 2nd and 1st cents. BC

(1,458 words)

Author(s): Wittke, A.-M.
The Syrian-Palestinian region was an important link between Asia Minor and the south (Arabia and Egypt) throughout Antiquity. This was where overland routes from north, south and east met, and there were important trading centres and harbour cities here through which trade was conducted into the Mediterranean region. Accordingly, the region was constantly fought over, e.g. in the Hellenistic period by the Ptolemies and Seleucids (Syrian Wars). Although the overlords changed (e.g. Assyrians, Achaemenids), certain local entities or independent …

Systematic list of maps

(2,319 words)

The list gives abbreviated map titles and page numbers. Other themes may be derived via the index. Aegean Bronze Age Linear B Mycenaean culture Late Bronze Age, political and cultural interconnections Greek dialects Find sites: 12th–9th cents. BC Find sites: 7th/6th cents. BC Late 9th– c. mid 6th cents. BC Persian Wars ( c. 500–478/449 BC) Mithridatic Wars Byzantine Empire (Basil II, 976–1025) Romania (‘Latin Empire’ 1204–1261) Byzantine Empire (Palaeologi, 1261–1453) Ancient concepts of the world and exploration Babylonian World Map ( c. 1st half of 8th cent. BC) …