Brill’s New Pauly Supplements I - Volume 5 : The Reception of Classical Literature

Get access Subject: Classical Studies
Edited by: Christine Walde
In collaboration with: Brigitte Egger

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The Reception of Classical Literature , a Supplement to Brill’s New Pauly gives an overview of the reception and influence of ancient literary works on the literature, art and music from Antiquity to the present.

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Nepos (Cornelius Nepos)

(4,301 words)

Author(s): Heidenreich, Heinrich
A. Author and work A.1. Life Cornelius Nepos was born around 100 BC (Plin. HN 2,169f.; 9,137; Nep. fr. 38 Marshall) in Gallia cisalpina (Plin. HN 3,127), and probably came from the equestrian class. He pursued no political career, but worked as an author, maintaining contacts with other literary figures of his day and publishing literary works (Fronto p. 15 van den Hout). He died during the reign of Augustus (Plin. HN 9,137; 10,60). A.2. Work The only substantial sections of N.’ work to survive are from his collection of biographies dedicated to Atticus, De viris illustribus (‘On illustrio…