Brill’s New Pauly Supplements II - Volume 8 : The Reception of Antiquity in Renaissance Humanism

Get access Subject: Classical Studies
Edited by : Manfred Landfester

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For the thinkers, artists and scholars of the Renaissance, antiquity was a major source of inspiration; it provided renewed modes of scholarship, led to corrections of received doctrine and proved a wellspring of new achievements in almost every area of human life. The 130 articles in this volume cover not only well known figures of the Renaissance such as Copernicus, Dürer, and Erasmus but also overall themes such as architecture, agriculture, economics, philosophy and philology as well as many others.

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Technical knowledge

(3,136 words)

Author(s): Valleriani, Matteo (Berlin)
A. Transformations Ancient T. of the classical and Hellenistic periods was mainly transmitted in written form between 1350 and 1600. There were also archaeological finds, which Humanists began to study in the 14th and 15th cents. [21.5–75]. In terms of practical knowledge, traditions and skills persisted with remarkable continuity. At first, however, these were only to a very limited extent influenced by knowledge of the technical accomplishments of Antiquity. Few ancient treatises were available in their original form at this date. Later versions, whether Byzantine or Arabic commentaries, had no impact. The ancient tradition only began to gain importance when the Humanists began their work in the 14th cent.…
Date: 2016-11-24