Der Neue Pauly Supplemente II Online - Band 10 : Frühgeschichte der Mittelmeerkulturen

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Ranging in time from the end of the Bronze Age to the dawn of the so-called historical period (12th-6th centuries BC), this compendium presents the first complete survey of the early history of all the cultures along the coasts of the Mediterranean. In addition to the Phoenicians, Greeks and Etruscans, these also include many other peoples, such as the Iberians, Ligurians, Thracians, Phrygians, Luwians, Aramaeans and Libyans. The volume brings together the knowledge gained from material, textual and pictorial sources in all disciplines working in this field, including Near Eastern, Phoenician, Carthaginian and biblical archaeology, Aegean and North African studies, Villanovan studies and Etruscology, Iberology, early Greek historiography and Dark Ages studies. As a whole, this period was characterized by the intermingling of cultures around the Mediterranean Rim, and the main focus of content is therefore on contacts, the transfer of culture and knowledge and key common themes, such as mobility, religion, resources, languages and writing. With indices and numerous tables and maps of Pauly quality.


2.5.6. Delphi

(1,091 words)

Das dem Apollon geweihte Orakelheiligtum im phokischen Delphi (griech. Delphoí, auch Pyth椈) war spätestens seit archa. Zeit die neben Olympia (2.5.11.) wichtigste panhellenische Kultstätte. Schon in myk. Zeit befand sich in Delphi ein Heiligtum, das nach Ausweis einiger exzeptioneller Fundstücke nicht von geringer Bedeutung gewesen sein kann. Die Frage nach einer möglichen Kultkontinuität von der SBrz. zur FEz. ist in der Forschung verschieden, in den letzten Jahrzehnten meist negativ beantwortet worden. N…
Date: 2017-08-01