Encyclopaedia of Islam, Second Edition

Get access Subject: Middle East And Islamic Studies
Edited by: P. Bearman, Th. Bianquis, C.E. Bosworth, E. van Donzel and W.P. Heinrichs

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The Encyclopaedia of Islam (Second Edition) Online sets out the present state of our knowledge of the Islamic World. It is a unique and invaluable reference tool, an essential key to understanding the world of Islam, and the authoritative source not only for the religion, but also for the believers and the countries in which they live. 

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(5 words)

[see mahisur ].


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[see taṣawwuf ].


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[see midilli ].


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Author(s): Rouvillois-Brigol, M. | Mercier, M.
( Mzāb ), a region of the Algerian Sahara which currently corresponds to the wilāya of Ghardaia (G̲h̲ardāya). It extends over an area of approximately 8,000 km2, between latitudes 32° and 33° 20′ N. and longitudes 0° 4′ and 2° 30′ E. It has the appearance of a vast stony plain, declining in altitude from 700 m. in the west to 300 m. in the east, intersected by deep and tortuous valleys, whence its name of Chebka ( s̲h̲abka = network) of the Mzab. This enormous expanse, travelled by the nomadic tribes of the Chaanba, Mekhadma, Said Otba (S̲h̲ʿāmba, Mk̲h̲ādma. Saʿīd ʿUtba), …