Encyclopedia of Ancient Greek Language and Linguistics

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General Editor: Georgios K. Giannakis
Associate Editors: Vit Bubenik, Emilio Crespo, Chris Golston, Alexandra Lianeri, Silvia Luraghi, Stephanos Matthaios

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The Encyclopedia of Ancient Greek Language and Linguistics (EAGLL) is a unique work that brings together the latest research from across a range of disciplines which contribute to our knowledge of Ancient Greek. It is an indispensable research tool for scholars and students of Greek, of linguistics, and of other Indo-European languages, as well as of Biblical literature.

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(470 words)

Author(s): Alcorac Alonso Déniz
Abstract Yodization is any change resulting in a palatal semivowel /j/. Yodization is any change resulting in a palatal semivowel /j/, i.e. ‘yod’. In Greek, the phenomenon affects particularly /i/ and /e/ in hiatus and is best known as synizesis: theós ‘god’ > [tʰe̯ós] > Lac. siós [sjós]. The semivowel /j/ may become a fricative through fortition: Anc. Gk. iatrós [iaːtrós] ‘doctor’ > [jaːtrós] > Mod. Gk. γιατρός [ʝaˈtros], Anc. Gk. heortḗ [heortέː] ‘feast’ > [e̯ortέː] > [jorˈti] > Mod. Gk. γιορτή [ʝorˈti].  There is little evidence of yodization affecting the consonants of An…
Date: 2013-11-01