Encyclopedia of Law and Religion

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Edited by: Gerhard Robbers and W. Cole Durham

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In recent years, issues of freedom of religion or belief and state-religion relations have become increasingly important worldwide. The Encyclopedia of Law and Religion, unique in its breadth and global coverage, provides an important foundational resource for study of these issues. The encyclopedia covers the relation between law and religion in its various aspects, including those related to the role of religion in society, the relations between religion and state institutions, freedom of religion, legal aspects of religious traditions, the interaction between law and religion, and other issues at the junction of law, religion, and state.

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Johnston Atoll

(9 words)

Author(s): not-specified
forthcoming Not Specified Bibliography  


(5,107 words)

Author(s): Dörthe Kirsten Engelcke
I. Social Facts When the British mandate of Transjordan came into existence in 1922, the territory that constitutes modern Jordan was scarcely populated. The population was estimated at 230,000. Today, Jordan’s population is approximately 7.9 million. High birth rates and the influx of refugees have contributed to the country’s population growth. The first wave of Palestinian refugees arrived in the course of the creation of the state of Israel in 1948 and during the Six-Day War of 1967. In the aftermath of the 1991 Gulf War and after the invasi…