Religion Past and Present

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Edited by: Hans Dieter Betz, Don S. Browning†, Bernd Janowski and Eberhard Jüngel

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(167 words)

Author(s): Nikolasch, Franz
[German Version] Section 65 of the General Instruction of the Roman Missal (41975) describes the primary function of an acolyte (Gk. ἀκολουθέω/ akoloutheō, “accompany”; original function to accompany the bishop): “The acolyte is instituted to serve at the altar and to assist the priest and deacon.” “In particular it is for him… as a special minister of the eucharist, to give communion to the faithful.” Paragraph 70 emphasizes that “laymen, even if they have not received institution as ministers, may perform all the functions below those reserved to deacons.” The motu proprio …

Acontius, Jacobus

(282 words)

Author(s): Smolinsky, Heribert
[German Version] (Giacomo; before 1515, Ossana, Val di Sole, or Trient – 1566/1567, presumably London). After studying law and a period as notary (attested 1540 in Ossana and 1548 in Trient), Acontius entered the service of Count Giovanni Francesco Landriano and Cardinal C. Madruzzo from 1549 to 1557. Because of his Protestant convictions, he fled in 1557 to Basel and Zürich, where he ma…

Acosta, José de

(142 words)

Author(s): Sievernich, Michael
[German Version] (Oct 9, 1540, Medina del Campo– Feb 5, 1600, Salamanca) entered the order of the Jesuits in 1552, and went as a missionary to Peru, in 1572 was provincial there (1576–1581), and participated as theologian in the 3rd Council of Lima in 1582 (Lima, Provincial Councils); he was the co-author of a trilingual catechism. In 1587, he returned to Spain via Mexico, was active there and in Rome in diplomacy and writing, and died as rector of the college of Salamanca. His accomplishments include the organization of the mission in Peru, an influential theory of mission ( De procuranda In…

Acquoy, Johannes Gerhardus Rijk

(132 words)

Author(s): Luth, Jan R.
[German Version] (Jan 3, 1829, Amsterdam – Dec 15, 1896, Leiden). Theological studies in Amsterdam 1850; doctorate Leiden, 1857. Teacher of Hebrew at Amsterdam grammar school, 1854–1857. Pastor in Eerbeek, Koog aan de Zaan, and Zaltbommel. Church professor of church history and practical theology at Leiden from 1878. University professor of church history and …


(105 words)

Author(s): Kadelbach, Ada
[German Version] Word, name, clause, or alphabet consisting of the initial letters (syllables, words) of sequential verses or strophes of a poem. Acrostics have Eastern roots (for instance Hymnos Akathistos, including the alphabetic acrostics in the OT and in Latin hymns). They originally had magical, mnemonic and protective significance. They were a literary art form in the Middle Ages and in the Baroque period, also in hymns; for example, EG 523 (names of authors), 525 (commemorative names), 70, 147, 367 (dedicatory initials), 242, 361, 402 (proverb, motto). Ada Kadelbach Bibliogr…

Act and Potency

(1,153 words)

Author(s): Wieland, Wolfgang | Knuuttila, Simo
[German Version] I. Philosophy – II. Philosophy of Religion I. Philosophy Act and potency ( actus, realization, reality – potentia, predisposition, possibility), one of the pairs of concepts introduced by Aristotle. It is intended to do justice to the circumstance that not only that which actually exists belongs to the category of being as a whole, but also the sphere of tendencies, dispositions, and cap…


(1,873 words)

Author(s): Meixner, Uwe | Mühling-Schlapkohl, Markus | Herms, Eilert | Daiber, Karl-Fritz
[German Version] I. Philosophy – II. Theology – III. Ethics – IV. Practical Theology I. Philosophy The concept of action is of central importance for philosophical ethics and anthropology. It is closely related to the concept of person, since persons are the subjects of action and cognition (the latter always itself an action, since it necessarily involves judgment). We may distinguish …

Action, Philosophy of

(393 words)

Author(s): Meixner, Uwe
[German Version] Several empirical disciplines (esp. psychology and sociology) deal in different ways with the theory of action. Their approaches often do not distinguish sharply between mere behavior and action in the strict sense. The philosophy of action, on the other hand, is concerned to explicate the concept of action particularly in contrast to mere beh…

Action, Science of (Handlungswissenschaft)

(884 words)

Author(s): Daiber, Karl-Fritz
[German Version] I. Terminology – II. Social Sciences – III. Practical Theology I. Terminology From the 18th century on, the German term Handlungswissenschaft denoted the study of trade ( Handel). It thus came to represent one of the precursors of modern economics. Nowadays it has this meaning only in historical contexts. Its present-day usage refers to the disciplines that deal with action in the broadest sense, from trade through pedagogy …

Action, Types of

(496 words)

Author(s): Herms, Eilert
[German Version] In his Philosophical Ethics, F.D.E. Schleiermacher distinguished between “symbolizing action” and “organizing action”; in his Christliche Sitte, he further distinguished “representative” and “effective” action, as well as “purgative” and “broadening action.” Habermas, in his recent Theory of Communicative Action, uses analogous language to indicate the difference between teleological, strategic, norm-based, dramaturgical, and communicative action. Both authors po…

Activity and Passivity

(1,353 words)

Author(s): Herms, Eilert | Härle, Wilfried
[German Version] I. Philosophy of Religion and Fundamental Theology – II. Dogmatics I. Philosophy of Religion and Fundamental Theology From the perspective of fundamental theology, the relationship between activity and passivity thematizes the constitution of the christian certainty of Dasein. Its theoretical description in terms of consciousness or personhood must be examined for its ontological presuppositions and understood within their framework. Only …

Acton, Lord John Emerich Edward Dalberg

(434 words)

Author(s): Sachs, William L.
[German Version] (Jan 10, 1834, Naples – Jun 19, 1902, Tegernsee), Roman Catholic layperson and historian. His openness to the world led him to Munich to study for six years with J.J.I. v. Döllinger. From Döllinger he adopted a liberal attitude and a critical yet development-capable view of history. He learned to see Christianity, not as a collection of dogmas and …

Acts of Andrew

(167 words)

Author(s): Bovon, François
[German Version] ( Acts And.). The Acts of Andrew recounts the missionary journeys of the apostle Andrew from Pontus to Achaia. The theme of his preaching, which is accompanied by healings and exorcisms, is a world-denying and ascetic form of Christianity. His conversion of Maximilla, the wife of the Roman governor Aegeas, enrages the latter. Facing crucifixion at Patras, he sings the praises …

Acts of John

(10 words)

[German Version] John, Acts of

Acts of Paul

(620 words)

Author(s): Plümacher, Eckhard
[German Version] ( Acts Paul). As with most apocryphal acts of the apostles, the text of the Acts Paul is also only preserved in fragments. Its content, Paul's missionary activity, depicted in the form of only a single journey from Damascus via numerous intermediate stations in Asia Minor, Macedonia and Greece, etc. to Rome accompanied by equally numerous miracles, can be reconstructed primarily with the aid of two papyri, a Greek (PH) and a Coptic (PHeid), although significant lacunae remain ( NTApo II, 198–211). Only three texts (already indepen…

Acts of Peter

(554 words)

Author(s): Plümacher, Eckhard
[German Version] ( Acts Pet.). Only a few fragments of Acts Pet., first attested (and rejected as non-canonical) with certainty by Eusebius of Caesarea ( Hist. eccl. III 3.2), are preserved. Among these, a Latin translation, the so-called Actus Vercellenses, which originated in the 3rd/4th century and adheres rather closely to the original Greek version of the Acts, represents the most important fragment offering about two-thirds of the original account of the Acts Pet. The Martyrdom of Peter ( Mart. Pet.) is chiefly transmitted in Greek. A text dealing with his daughter ( Papyrus …

Acts of Peter and the Twelve Apostles (NHC VI,1; Acts Pet. 12 Apos.)

(18 words)

[German Version] Apocrypha/Pseudepigrapha

Acts of Pilate

(8 words)

[German Version] Nicodemus

Acts of the Apostles

(2,891 words)

Author(s): Balch, David L.
[German Version] I. Introductory Issues – II. Genre – III. Structure and Purpose– IV. Content – V. Rhetorical and Narrative Criticism I. Introductory Issues 1. Author and date. Acts is the second part of a two-volume work, the first of which is the Gospel of Luke. Neither of the two prologues names the author, although Luke 1:1–3; Acts 1:1 use the first person pronoun, which also occurs in the “we…

Acts of the Martyrs

(852 words)

Author(s): Wischmeyer, Wolfgang
[German Version] In his new edition of the Martyrologium Romanum (1583–; cf. esp. the appended “De martyrologio Romano praecapitulatio dicendorum”), C. Baronius borrowed the expression acta martyrum from Pontius's Vita Cypriani 11 (cf. Cyprian Epis. 77, 2), understanding the martyr literature handed down in protocol form as original trial transcripts or as protocols recorded by ecclesiastical notarii (combining Cyprian Epis. 12, 2, 1 with LP 1, 148) to serve as documentation for liturgical commemoration. In 1643 the Acta sanctorum of the Bollandists …
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