
Your search for 'dc_creator:( "Wiese, Christian" ) OR dc_contributor:( "Wiese, Christian" )' returned 27 results. Modify search

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Biblical Criticism

(4,267 words)

Author(s): Wiese, Christian
Modern historical Bible criticism was, in the 19th century, the domain of Protestant exegesis. Its critical reception by the Wissenschaft des Judentums took place in the area of tension between Jewish modernization discourse, efforts toward the recognition of Judaism in modern society, as well as the intellectual defense against antisemitism. Out of the culture struggle for the interpretation of the Hebrew Bible emerged, from the late 19th century on, various – orthodox as well as liberal …
Date: 2023-10-24

Mission to the Jews

(2,336 words)

Author(s): Wiese, Christian
The tradition of the Protestant mission to the Jews, which originated in the 17th century, was closely connected with pietist thinking on salvation history. From its beginnings, this tradition was characterized by the tension between interest in Jewish history and literature, rejection of Judaism’s religious right to exist, and the goal of converting the Jewish people in expectation of the eschatological fulfillment of human history through the return of Jesus Christ. As part of the Lut…
Date: 2021-07-13

Wissenschaft des Judentums

(5,327 words)

Author(s): Wiese, Christian
From its beginnings in Berlin during the first third of the 19th century to its forced end during the period of National Socialism, the Wissenschaft des Judentums (science or study of Judaism) produced a multitude of eminent scholars in the German language area as well as scholarly works on the fields of Jewish history, literature, and philosophy. In their predominantly historical, philological, and literature-based interpretations of Jewish tradition, its representatives – who adhered to…
Date: 2023-10-31

Hochschule für die Wissenschaft des Judentums

(3,923 words)

Author(s): Wiese, Christian
The Hochschule für die Wissenschaft des Judentums, founded in 1872 in Berlin, developed over the sixty years of its existence into one of the most important centers of academic study of Jewish history, literature, and culture in Europe. The institution, which was home to a large number of outstanding scholars of the Wissenschaft des Judentums, which was excluded from the German universities, gained central importance for the intellectual orientation of the Jewish-liberal movement in Germany and …
Date: 2020-05-12


(4,287 words)

Author(s): Wiese, Christian
Central concept in the thinking of the philosopher Hans Jonas (1903-1993). Inspired by his study of ancient Gnosticism, Jonas sought to substantiate the intrinsic value of life through a "philosophy of the organism." In his chief work Das Prinzip Verantwortung (1979, "The Imperative of Responsibility," 1984) it became the basis for his outline of an ethics for the technological civilization. While in this context he made it a point to avoid any reference to Judaism in particular, or to religion in general, his reflections on the phil…
Date: 2018-11-16


(2,049 words)

Author(s): Wiese, Christian
Die im späten 17. Jahrhundert entstehende Tradition der protestantischen Judenmission war eng mit dem heilsgeschichtlichen Denken des Pietismus verbunden. Seit ihren Anfängen war sie gekennzeichnet durch das Spannungsverhältnis zwischen dem Interesse an jüdischer Geschichte und Literatur, der Verneinung der religiösen Existenzberechtigung des Judentums und dem Ziel der Bekehrung des jüdischen Volks in Erwartung der endzeitlichen Vollendung der Menschheitsgeschichte durch die Wiederkunft Jesu Chr…

Hochschule für die Wissenschaft des Judentums

(3,546 words)

Author(s): Wiese, Christian
Die 1872 gegründete Hochschule für die Wissenschaft des Judentums in Berlin entwickelte sich in den sechzig Jahren ihres Bestehens zu einem der wichtigsten Zentren akademischer Erforschung jüdischer Geschichte, Literatur und Kultur in Europa. Die Institution, die eine Vielzahl hervorragender Gelehrter der von den deutschen Universitäten ausgeschlossenen Wissenschaft des Judentums beheimatete, gewann eine zentrale Bedeutung für die intellektuelle Prägung der jüdisch-liberale…

Germania Judaica

(827 words)

Author(s): Wiese, Christian
Das 1903 initiierte Projekt Germania Judaica verfolgte die Herausgabe eines historisch-topographischen Handbuchs zur Geschichte der Juden im Deutschen Reich von der frühesten jüdischen Besiedlung bis zum Wiener Kongress. Obwohl es vielfach von den Katastrophen der deutschen Geschichte im 20. Jahrhundert behindert und überschattet wurde, hat es ein mehrbändiges Standardwerk deutsch-jüdischer Historiographie hervorgebracht. Das Projekt versinnbildlicht das ursprüngliche Streben na…


(4,038 words)

Author(s): Wiese, Christian
Die moderne historische Bibelkritik war im 19. Jahrhundert eine Domäne der protestantischen Exegese. Ihre kritische Rezeption durch die Wissenschaft des Judentums vollzog sich im Spannungsfeld zwischen jüdischen Modernisierungsdiskursen, Streben nach Anerkennung des Judentums in der modernen Gesellschaft sowie der intellektuellen Abwehr des Antisemitismus. Aus dem Kulturkampf um die Interpretation der hebräischen Bibel erwuchsen seit dem Ende des 19. Jahrhunderts unterschiedliche – orthodoxe wi…

Wissenschaft des Judentums

(4,743 words)

Author(s): Wiese, Christian
Von ihren Anfängen in Berlin im ersten Drittel des 19. Jahrhunderts bis zu ihrem erzwungenen Ende in der Zeit des Nationalsozialismus brachte die Wissenschaft des Judentums auf dem Feld der jüdischen Geschichte, Literatur und Philosophie im deutschen Raum eine Vielzahl hervorragender Gelehrter und wissenschaftlicher Werke hervor. In ihren vorrangig historischen, philologischen und literarischen Deutungen der jüdischen Tradition knüpften ihre – unterschiedlichen religiös-kulturellen Selbstverstän…


(3,739 words)

Author(s): Wiese, Christian
Zentraler Begriff im Denken des Philosophen Hans Jonas (1903–1993). Ausgehend von seiner Auseinandersetzung mit der antiken Gnosis, versuchte er, den intrinsischen Wert des Lebens mithilfe einer Philosophie des Organischen zu begründen. Diese wurde in seinem Hauptwerk Das Prinzip Verantwortung (1979) zur Grundlage seines Entwurfs einer Ethik für die technologische Zivilisation. Vermied Jonas in diesem Zusammenhang jede Bezugnahme auf das Judentum wie auf Religion überhaupt, so zeigen seine religionsphilosophisc…


(2,478 words)

Author(s): Wiese, Christian
Im Kontext der seit der Aufklärung geführten Debatten über die rechtliche Gleichstellung und kulturelle Integration der Juden in Europa spielte insbesondere im deutschen Kulturbereich die Frage nach dem Verhältnis von Judentum und Protestantismus eine zentrale Rolle. Die Modernisierung jüdischer Lebenswelten im 19. und frühen 20. Jahrhundert vollzog sich im Spannungsfeld zwischen der Anziehungskraft, die protestantisch geprägte theologische, philosophische und ästhetische Kategorien namentlich a…

Germania Judaica

(898 words)

Author(s): Wiese, Christian
The  Germania Judaica project, initiated in 1903, pursued the goal of publishing a historical-topographic handbook on the history of the Jews in the German Empire from the earliest Jewish settlement up to the time of the Congress of Vienna. Although it was hindered and overshadowed by the catastrophes of German history in the 20th century in numerous ways, it nonetheless resulted in a multi-volume work on German Jewish historiography that has become the standard. The project epitomizes the origina…
Date: 2020-05-12


(2,739 words)

Author(s): Wiese, Christian
In the context of the debates on the legal equality and cultural integration of Jews in Europe since the Enlightenment, the question of the relationship between Judaism and Protestantism played a central role, especially in the German cultural sphere. The modernization of Jewish lebenswelten (worlds of lived experience) in the 19th and early 20th centuries took place in an area of tension between the attraction that theological, philosophical, and aesthetic categories shaped by Protesta…
Date: 2022-09-30


(131 words)

Author(s): Wiese, Christian
[English Version] Steinheim, Salomon Ludwig (6.8.1789 Bruchhausen – 19.5.1866 Zürich), Mediziner und Religionsphilosoph. Nachdem er zunächst als Arzt in Altona gewirkt hatte, lebte S. von 1846 an als Privatgelehrter in Rom. Unter seinen naturwiss., poetischen und religionsphilos. Schriften ragt sein Werk »Die Offenbarung nach dem Lehrbegriff der Synagoge« (4 Bde., 1835–1865) heraus, das kaum Einfluß auf die zeitgenössischen innerjüd. Kontroversen zw. Orthodoxie und Reform ausübte, S. jedoch als orig…


(150 words)

Author(s): Wiese, Christian
[English Version] Steinthal, Heymann (Chajim; 16.5.1823 Gröbzig – 19.3.1899 Berlin), Sprachwissenschaftler und gemeinsam mit M. Lazarus Begründer der Völkerpsychologie, beeinflußte mit seiner Philos. u.a. W. Dilthey und G. Simmel. Im Gefolge G.W. F. Hegels erblickte er in der Sprache als dem bildenden Organ der Gedanken den bedeutendsten Ausdruck des sich entfaltenden Weltgeistes, der auch den einzelnen Volksgeist bestimmt und zur universalen Humanität zu führen verspricht. Da S. eine ordentliche P…


(223 words)

Author(s): Wiese, Christian
[English Version] Strack, Hermann Leberecht (6.5.1848 Berlin – 5.10.1922 ebd.), dem konservativen Protestantismus verbundener Theologe und Judaist. Studium in Berlin und Leipzig, seit 1877 a.o. Prof. für AT und ao. Sprachen in Berlin; 1883 Mitbegründer, seit 1886 Leiter des Institutum Judaicum Berolinense, das sich der wiss. Erhellung jüd. Gesch., Lit. und Kultur, aber auch der Judenmission verschrieb. Obwohl ihm die missionarische Zielsetzung und die theol. Behauptung der Überlegenheit des Christen…

Institutum Judaicum

(368 words)

Author(s): Wiese, Christian
[German Version] With its roots in Protestant Jewish missions, the first Institutum Judaicum, founded in 1728 by J.H. Callenberg in Halle, was devoted to the training of missionaries and the distribution of Christian literature in Yiddish and Hebrew. It existed until 1792. In 1883, H.L. Strack founded the Institutum Judaicum Berolinense in Berlin which placed its emphasis on missions, scholarly engagement with Jewish sources and the battle against Antisemitism. After Strack's death, the Institutum…

Steinheim, Salomon Ludwig

(152 words)

Author(s): Wiese, Christian
[German Version] (Aug 6, 1789, Bruchhausen – May 19, 1866, Zürich), physician and philosopher of religion. After working in Altona as a physician, he moved to Rome in 1846 and lived there as an independent scholar. Among his poetry, works on the natural sciences, and works on the philosophy of religion, his Die Offenbarung nach dem Lehrbegriff der Synagoge (4 vols., 1835–1865) stands out. Although it had little influence on the contemporary internal debate between Orthodox and Reform Judaism, it shows Steinheim to have been an original thinker. His sys…

Krauss, Samuel

(169 words)

Author(s): Wiese, Christian
[German Version] (Feb 18, 1866, Ukk, Hungary – Jun 4, 1948, Cambridge, England), historian, philologist, and Talmud scholar. After having taught biblical studies and Hebrew at the Jewish teachers' seminary in Budapest from 1894 onward, he worked as professor of Jewish history and literature at the Israelitisch-Theologische Anstalt in Vienna from 1906 to 1938, from 1932 as its rector. Following the destruction of his library in November 1938, Krauss lived as a private scholar in Cambridge. His writ…

Strack, Hermann Lebrecht

(283 words)

Author(s): Wiese, Christian
[German Version] (May 6, 1848, Berlin – Oct 5, 1922, Berlin), conservative Protestant theologian and student of Judaism. After studying in Berlin and Leipzig, he was appointed associate professor of Old Testament and Near Eastern languages in Berlin in 1877. In 1883 he was a cofounder of the Institutum Judaicum in Berlin (which he headed after 1886), devoted to scholarly study of Jewish history, literature, and culture but also committed to mission to Jews (Jewish missions). Although Strack’s miss…

Steinthal, Heymann

(165 words)

Author(s): Wiese, Christian
[German Version] (Chayim; May 16, 1823, Gröbzig – Mar 19, 1899, Berlin), philologist and cofounder (with M. Lazarus) of ethnopsychology (National psychology). His philosophy influenced W. Dilthey and G. Simmel. Following G.W.F. Hegel, he looked on language, the formative agent of thought, as the most significant expression of the unfolding world spirit, which also determines the spirit of individual peoples and promises to lead to universal humanity. Since Steinthal was prohibited from appointment…

Hirsch, Samuel

(161 words)

Author(s): Wiese, Christian
[German Version] (Aug 6, 1815 [according to another source: 1809], Thalfang – May 14, 1889, Chicago). As a philosopher of religion and rabbi (1838–1841 in Dessau, until 1866 in Luxemburg, and finally in Philadelphia), Hirsch exerted considerable influence on the development of Reform Judaism in Germany and in the United States. In Die Religionsphilosophie der Juden (1842) he drew on the philosophical premisses of G.W.F. Hegel and of Hegelianism; in contrast to the latter, however, he firmly emphasized the equality of Judaism in its absolute concentr…

Kaufmann, David

(165 words)

Author(s): Wiese, Christian
[German Version] (Jun 7, 1852, Kojetein – Jul 6, 1899, Karlovy Vary). As professor of history, philosophy, and homiletics at the rabbinic school in Budapest (from 1877), Kaufmann devoted his wide-ranging scholarly activities to medieval Jewish philosophy of religion, Jewish history of the early modern period, and Jewish art. In addition to his work on the history of Jews in Austria-Hungary, there is his edition of the Jewish-German Memoiren der Glückel von Hameln 1645–1719 (1896). In the political realm, he supported equal rights for Jewish studies ( Wissenschaft des Judentums

Löw, Leopold

(170 words)

Author(s): Wiese, Christian
[German Version] (May 22, 1811, Čzerná Hora, Moravia [today Poland] – Oct 13, 1875, Szeged, Hungary). As a scholar and rabbi – 1840 in Nagykanizsa, 1846 in Papa, and from 1850 in Szeged – Löw was one of the leading figures of the Hungarian Jewish Reform movement (Reform Judaism). He energetically promoted the emancipation of the Hungarian Jews and, against Orthodox opposition, a cautious reinterpretation of Judaism in the context of the rabbinic tradition. As a military chaplain during the Hungari…


(13,709 words)

Author(s): Sundermeier, Theo | Frankemölle, Hubert | Feldtkeller, Andreas | Collet, Giancarlo | George, Martin | Et al.
[German Version] I. Religious Studies – II. Christianity – III. Judaism – IV. Buddhism – V. Islam I. Religious Studies 1. Overview. Mission is not a fundamentally universal phenomenon in the history of religions; neither is every form in which religion is passed on eo ipso mission. “Primary,” tribal religions are not missionary religions. Their domain is coterminous with their society and its way of life; they are handed down from one generation to the next in the course of natural life. The question of truth does not arise. An indivi…


(3,762 words)

Author(s): Schmidt-Leukel, Perry | Otto, Eckart | Wengst, Klaus | Strohm, Christoph | Link, Christian | Et al.
[German Version] I. Religious Studies Peace (negatively: absence of fighting and war; positively: security, wellbeing, and harmony) is considered desirable in all traditional religions, although they also have their specific legitimations of war. In archaic religions, peace is primarily related to the community and understood as a present reality. However, from the beginning of the Christian era, religious developments produced stronger differentiations. Peace is no longer seen as a social phenomenon…
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