A History of the Desire for Christian Unity Online

Get access Subject: Religious Studies
Directed by: Alberto Melloni
Edited by: Luca Ferracci

A History of the Desire for Christian Unity. Ecumenism in the Churches (19th–21st Century) is a multi-volume reference work on the history of ecumenism. The ecumenical movement is understood as a twentieth-century movement of European origin with a global reach. This reference work is a reconstruction of the arc of time in which the Christian churches transitioned from a position of hostility to one of dialogue, and from separation to forms of communion. Scholars across the continents and disciplines explore a history of individuals and groups, generations and assemblies, documents and programs, theologies and practices, all firmly placed within the framework of a desire for unity.

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4. A Theological Geography of Confessions and Churches in the 19th Century

(14 540 mots)

Auteur(s): Mazzolini, Sandra
In: Volume 1 Dawn of Ecumenism | Part II. Prehistory: The Challenges of Modernity previous chapter 1 Preliminary Remarks There are some significant factors that shape the theological geography of the confessions and churches in the 19th century, a transitional century in which the results of the previous period converge and which prelude further developments in the 20th century.1 These were internal and external factors that, in general terms, affected the theology and implementation, whether thematized or not, of a renewed theological methodology, bel…