The Brill Dictionary of Religion

Get access Subject: Religious Studies
Edited by: Kocku von Stuckrad

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The impressively comprehensive Brill Dictionary of Religion (BDR) Online addresses religion as an element of daily life and public discourse, is richly illustrated and with more than 500 entries, the Brill Dictionary of Religion Online is a multi-media reference source on the many and various forms of religious commitment. The Brill Dictionary of Religion Online addresses the different theologies and doctrinal declarations of the official institutionalized religions and gives equal weight and consideration to a multiplicity of other religious phenomena. The Brill Dictionary of Religion Online helps map out and define the networks and connections created by various religions in contemporary societies, and provides models for understanding these complex phenomena.

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(1 742 mots)

Auteur(s): Schaefer, Michael
1. The abbreviation ‘UFO’ (for ‘Unidentified Flying Object’) has long been an all but magical concept of everyday culture. But, as the ‘U’ expresses, it lies pretty much in the dark what the term properly relates to. Regarded phenomenologically, a UFO experience contains an encounter with an (at first, or altogether) unexplainable celestial apparition. It belongs in the area of → new myths and systems of belief of the twenty-first century, however, by reason of the fact that the apparition can b…