Brill’s New Pauly Supplements I - Volume 2 : Dictionary of Greek and Latin Authors and Texts

Zugang erwerben Fachgebiet: Altertumswissenschaften
Edited by: Manfred Landfester

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The Dictionary of Greek and Latin Authors and Texts gives a clear overview of authors and Major Works of Greek and Latin literature, and their history in written tradition, from Late Antiquity until present: papyri, manuscripts, Scholia, early and contemporary authoritative editions, translations and comments.

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(472 Wörter)

Autor(en): Ihm, Sibylle
probably 2nd cent. AD; Greek fabulist who wrote in a variation of the choliambic (i.e. limping iambic) verse, which he himself called ‘mythiambus’. Works Collection of 143 Greek fables. Papyri The papyri contain not only fragments, but also nearly complete fables. Manuscripts The first manuscript only came to light at the beginning of the 19th cent.; it was found on Mount Athos. Works Greek Title Latin Title English Title Dating Brief Description 1 Μυθίαµβοι / Mythíamboi Mythiambi Mythiambs 2nd cent. AD Fables composed in mythiambs, whose themes are mostly drawn from those o…

Bacchylides of Ceos

(279 Wörter)

Autor(en): Landfester, Manfred
ca. 520/510–ca. 450 BC; writer of choral poetry; rival of Pindarus [2]. Works His works, which belonged to the central genre of choral poetry (dithyramb, encomium, epinicion, hyporchema, etc.), are, for the most part, lost. Roughly 100 lines are preserved through the manuscript tradition as quotations in the writing of other ancient authors. It was only through a papyrus find, published in 1897, that – in some cases substantial – parts of 14 epinician poems and six dithyrambs became known. Works Greek Title Latin Title English Title Dating Brief Description 1 Ἐπίνικοι / Epínikoi ( Epin.) E…

Barnabas, Epistle of

(1.166 Wörter)

Autor(en): Prostmeier, Ferdinand
composed AD 132–135, probably in Alexandria. Works The designation ‘Epistle/Letter of Barnabas’ ( Barn.) is not original. The Early Christian treatise, despite its epistolary form ( Barn. 1 and 21), does not mention the name of the composer or that of any personal addressee. Its high regard for the Bible and the Jewish tradition on the one hand, and their appropriation for the Christian Church and the simultaneous rejection of all things Jewish on the other, constitute its singular characteristics. In the West, it was co…

Basilius of Caesarea (Basil the Great)

(650 Wörter)

Autor(en): Landfester, Manfred
b. ca. AD 320 in Caesarea (Cappadocia); d. probably AD 379; distinguished Greek Doctor of the Church; Bishop in Caesarea and Metropolitan of Cappadocia from 370 on; brother of Gregorius [2] of Nyssa. Works The substantial literary œuvre contains a corpus asceticum of seven authentic pieces ( ascetica), ca. 46 authentic homilies, two dogmatic treatises ( Against Eunomius, On the Holy Spirit), a corpus of 365 letters, and a Protreptikós (an exhortation to young men), which is transmitted along with the homilies. Numerous pseudepigrapha are transmitted in the Basilius manuscript…


(614 Wörter)

Autor(en): Landfester, Manfred
Anonymous Greek parodistic animal epic from the 2nd/1st cent. BC; in Antiquity attributed to Homerus [1]. Work This miniature epic is a parodistic adaptation of Aesop’s fable of the mouse and the frog (Aesop; Hausrath Nr. 302). It emulates both the formal language and typified scenes of Homer’s Illiad. The length varies, but generally amounts to ca. 300 lines. Two strikingly different recensions date from the Byzantine period. Manuscripts The Battle of Frogs and Mice became a school text very early on; as a result, a total of about 100 manuscripts of have been preserv…