Brill’s New Pauly Supplements I - Volume 2 : Dictionary of Greek and Latin Authors and Texts

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Edited by: Manfred Landfester

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The Dictionary of Greek and Latin Authors and Texts gives a clear overview of authors and Major Works of Greek and Latin literature, and their history in written tradition, from Late Antiquity until present: papyri, manuscripts, Scholia, early and contemporary authoritative editions, translations and comments.

Subscriptions: See

Sallustius Crispus, Gaius (Sallust)

(1,292 words)

Author(s): Jahn, Stefanie
b. 86 BC in Amiternum; d. 35 or 34 BC in Rome; Roman historiographer. Works Two historical monographs ( Bellum Catilinae, Bellum Iugurthinum), and the annalistic Historiae (probably spurious); invective against Cicero ; letters to Caesar . Papyri Papyrus fragments exist from the historical works. The oldest papyrus contains a fragment of the Historiae, and dates back to the 2nd/3rd cent. BC. Manuscripts More than 500 manuscripts containing the historical monographs are extant. They are divided into two main classes: the Mutili, which is the better class, but does not include Iug. 103,…


(686 words)

Author(s): Hagelberg, Leonie
active ca. 600 BC; b. in Mytilene or Eresus on Lesbos; female Greek lyric poet. Works In the Alexandrian period, Sappho’s poems were arranged in nine books, according to their metrical form. Book 1 comprises 1,320 verses (330 Sapphic stanzas; fragment 30); the only complete poem (fragment 1) comprises seven Sapphic stanzas. It is probably that only approximately seven per cent of Sappho’s poetry is extant; no elegiac or iambic poetry has survived. Papyri Extensive, though extremely incomplete, papyri have significantly increased the number of known texts. Manuscripts Only a few fra…

Seneca Lucius Annaeus Seneca (Seneca the Elder)

(586 words)

Author(s): Jahn, Stefanie
b. ca. 55 BC in Corduba; d. no later than AD 41; Roman rhetor; father of the philosopher Seneca [2] the Younger. Works Rhetorical textbook including: collection of legal cases, dicta, model, and practice speeches (declamations). Manuscripts There are two traditions of the manuscript transmission, namely: (1) Antverpiensis, Bruxellensis, and Vaticanus, which are all based on a single common manuscript, now lost; and (2) the Codex Montepessulanus, which is the most important of approximately 90 manuscripts that transmit excerpts from the Controversiae, and to some extent compl…

Seneca Lucius Annaeus (Seneca the Younger)

(2,350 words)

Author(s): Jahn, Stefanie
b. ca. 4 BC in Corduba; d. AD 65 in Rome; Roman philosopher, educator and adviser to emperor Nero [1]. Works Philosophical prose works (letters, dialogues, treatise on natural philosophy); tragedies of mythological content (dating uncertain). Manuscripts The manuscript transmission is divided into the following groups: minor dialogues ( Dial. 1–12, see below); De clementia, and De beneficiis; tragedies; Apocolocyntosis; Naturales Quaestiones; and letters. For the minor dialogues, by far the most important manuscript is Codex Ambrosianus. For De clementia and De beneficiis, th…

Sextus Empiricus

(722 words)

Author(s): Schorn, Stefan
2nd cent./early 3rd cent. AD; Pyrrhonist Sceptic. Works Author of philosophical works from the perspective of Pyrrhonean Scepticism. Editions Editions, translations, and bibliography in L. Ferraria, G. Santese, Bibliografia sullo scetticismo antico (1880–1978), in G. Giannantoni (ed.), Lo scetticismo antico, Rome 1981, 753–850; supplemented by P. Misuri, Bibliografia sullo scetticismo antico 1979–1988, in Elenchos 11, 1990, 257–334. Works Greek Title Latin Title English Title Dating Brief Description 1 Πυρρώνειοι ὑποτυπώσεις/Pyrrhṓneioi hypotypṓseis ( Pyrrh.) Pyrrhon…