Brill’s New Pauly Supplements I - Volume 2 : Dictionary of Greek and Latin Authors and Texts

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Edited by: Manfred Landfester

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The Dictionary of Greek and Latin Authors and Texts gives a clear overview of authors and Major Works of Greek and Latin literature, and their history in written tradition, from Late Antiquity until present: papyri, manuscripts, Scholia, early and contemporary authoritative editions, translations and comments.

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Valerius Flaccus Setinus Balbus, Gaius (Valerius Flaccus)

(436 words)

Author(s): Rühl, Meike
d. after AD 79, but before AD 95; Roman epic poet. Works The only extant work is his Argonautica. Manuscripts The epic poem is transmitted in two classes of manuscripts. Works Latin Title English Title Dating Brief Description 1 Argonautica The Voyage of the Argo ca. AD 75 Epic poem about the journey of the Argonauts in 8 bks.; bk. 8 is frg. or unfinished Manuscripts Name / Number Dating Selection Content / Notable Features 1 Vaticanus lat. 3277 9th cent. Principal MS; with gaps and corruptions; best MS of its class; written in Fulda 2 Laurentianus 39,38 1429 Best MS of its class; personal co…

Valerius Maximus

(673 words)

Author(s): Pausch, Dennis
1st half of the 1st cent. AD; author of a Latin collection of historical exempla. Works Collection of historical exempla. Manuscripts In the Middle Ages, Valerius Maximus was one of the most widely circulated authors, and thus also evident in a great number of manuscripts, all descending from a common source; of particular importance are two codices that date from the 9th cent. Translations As early as the 14th cent, Valerius Maximus was translated into Italian, German, French, and Spanish; some of these translations appeared in print in the 15th cent., othe…

Varro, Marcus Terentius (Reatinus)

(1,213 words)

Author(s): Landfester, Manfred
b. 116 BC in Reate or Rome; d. 27 BC; important Roman universal scholar and high-ranking official Works His huge oeuvre comprised at least 74 works in about 620 books, and can be divided into the following subject areas: antiquarian history, linguistics, literary history, and works of poetry. They also included encyclopaedias, and reference works. The only completely extant work is the treatise De re rustica in 3 books. Six of the 25 books of another thesis, entitled De lingua Latina, are also transmitted. A significant number of fragments provide knowledge about Saturae Menippeae (bare…

Vegetius Renatus, Publius

(909 words)

Author(s): Fischer, Klaus-Dietrich
Roman author of factual books, vir illustris, estate owner, active during the reign of Theodosius [2] I (379–395); the suggestion that he can be dated to the reign of Valentinianus [4] III (425–455.) is less probable. Author of three treatises on the military, horses, and cattle medicine. Fragments prove that the work on equine medicine was translated into Greek during Late Antiquity. The veterinary books have long been attributed to a Flavius Vegetius, with only the treatise on the Roman military bei…

Velleius Paterculus

(619 words)

Author(s): Pausch, Dennis
b. 20/19 BC; d. after AD 30; Roman historian. Works Roman history. Manuscripts The text was transmitted on only one 8th cent. manuscript, discovered by Beatus Rhenanus in the Alsatian monastery of Murbach in 1515, but now lost. Translations With the exception of two French, and one English translation from the early 17th cent., the work was translated in greater numbers only in the 18th and early 19th cent. Awareness and reception of this author has significantly increased in recent years. Works Latin Title English Title Dating Brief Description 1 Historia Romana/Ad M. Vinicium libri duo R…

Venantius Fortunatus, Honorius Clementianus

(503 words)

Author(s): Horstmann, Henning
b. between AD 530 and 540 in Valdobbiadene near Treviso; d. shortly after AD 600 in Poitiers; regarded as the last Latin poet of Antiquity. Works More than 250 poems, most of which are transmitted in a corpus of 11 books; this anthology also contains 10 prose epistles, an interpretation of the Lord’s Prayer ( Expositio orationis dominicae), and one of the Creed ( Expositio symboli). Outside of this corpus, other transmitted works include: a poem in honour of the Virgin Mary ( In laudem Sanctae Mariae), a Carminum appendix with 32 further poems in an extension to the Carmina, the epic poem De vita…

Vergiliana Appendix

(654 words)

Author(s): Landfester, Manfred
Works Anthology of several minor poetic works, transmitted under the name of Vergilius [4] , but of disputed authenticity. The majority of these works are undoubtedly post-Virgilian, but can still be dated to the 1st cent. AD. Doubts as to their authenticity were first voiced during the Renaissance. Following the custom established by the Virgil edition of J.J. Scaliger (Antwerp 1575), the anthology is referred to as Appendix Vergiliana ( App. Verg.). Manuscripts The manuscript tradition is complicated due to the diversity in transmission; for details, cf. W. Clausen…

Vergilius Maro, Publius (Virgil)

(1,894 words)

Author(s): Landfester, Manfred
b. 15 October 70 BC in Mantua; d. 21 September 19 BC in Brundisium (Calabria); important Roman poet, who soon became part of the Classical canon. Works Virgil’s total oeuvre comprises the Bucolica (an anthology of 10 bucolic poems), the Georgica (a didactic poem on agriculture in 4 books), and the epic poem Aeneis in 12 books. A number of minor poems were also transmitted under the name of Virgil, but their authenticity is disputed. Since the Virgil edition by J.J. Scaliger (1575), these poems are known collectively as Vergiliana Appendix ( App. Verg.). Manuscripts More than 1,000 Virgil …