Brill’s New Pauly Supplements II - Volume 12 : The Reception of Antiquity in the Age of Enlightenment

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This volume explores engagement with Greco-Roman Antiquity across Europe and beyond in the 18th century. Approximately 100 experts, in some 140 articles from “Academy” to “Wallpaper”, show how Classical and rival antiquities were perceived and studied during the age of Enlightenment, revolution and scientific progress, and how they served the formulation and affirmation of new ideals. The survey covers the period between the outbreak of the Querelle des Anciens et des Modernes in France in 1687 and the reorganization of Europe at the Congress of Vienna in 1815.



(3,109 words)

Author(s): Lammel, Hans-Uwe
A. Post-Cartesian premisesThe critical engagement with ancient medicine that had begun in the Renaissance reached its final climax in the 18th century and in doing so paved the way for a new paradigm of scientific medicine (Biology) [9]. During the 16th century, philologically-minded medics achieved the production and publication of reliable text editions of prominent ancient physicians such as Hippocrates, Galen and Dioscurides, giving numerous stimuli to medical training. Andreas Vesalius then succeeded [2], taking his lead from Galen’s anatomical dissections, in s…
Date: 2021-01-25

Metrics, metre

(1,827 words)

Author(s): Amslinger, Julia | Wesche, Jörg
A. TerminologyMetrics and prosody are key concepts in language theory. Both are etymologically associated with ancient poetic theory and practice. Metrics (from the Latin ( ars) metrica and Greek  metrike techne) originally meant the art of measurement and prosody (from the Greek prosodia, Latin  accentus, ‘singing in addition’) meant part of the poetic presentation of a text relating to acoustic design. Prosody denotes that aspect of poetics that is concerned with the rules for the creation of metrical speech.The elaboration of the European poetic languages in the 18th …
Date: 2021-01-25