Brill’s New Pauly Supplements II - Volume 7 : Figures of Antiquity and their Reception in Art, Literature and Music

Zugang erwerben Fachgebiet: Altertumswissenschaften
Edited by: Peter van Möllendorff, Annette Simonis and Linda Simonis

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The 96 contributions in Brill’s New Pauly Supplement 7: Historical Figures from Antiquity depict the survival of great characters from Antiquity to the modern world. Each article presents an overview of the latest research on what we know concerning the lives of the historical person or legendary figure and then recounts the reception of these figures throughout history, giving special attention on the viewpoints in the early modern and contemporary periods.

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(3.336 Wörter)

Autor(en): Joeres, Yvonne
A. Historical dimension ( Imperator Caesar Traianus Hadrianus Augustus; Greek Ἁδριανός/ Hadrianós) A. Historical dimension With his high regard for Greek culture, the Emperor Hadrian, born Publius Aelius H. (AD 76–138, reigned from August AD 117), may be seen as the ideal embodiment of a Philhellenic Roman emperor, whose cultural tastes and aesthetic interests were typical of the Roman imperial period. His enthusiasm for Greece was reflected in the intensive building work he initiated in Athens ( euergesía), including the construction of the city gates (with a clear ref…
Datum: 2016-02-22


(4.228 Wörter)

Autor(en): Muth, Laura
(Ἀννίβας/ Anníbas; Latin Hannibal) A. Historical dimension The Carthaginian H. Barca (247–183 BC) was elected to take over command of the Spanish campaign begun in 237 BC by his father, Hamilcar Barca (who had commanded the Carthaginian forces in Sicily fighting Rome during the First Punic War), in 221 BC following the death of his father and his brother-in-law Hasdrubal. His siege and conquest of the eastern Spanish city of Saguntum (219 BC) triggered the outbreak of the Second Punic War (218–201 BC) [04.594]; [09.152 f.]; [24.84–88], which most surviving sources on H.'s life…
Datum: 2016-02-22