Brill’s New Pauly Supplements II - Volume 8 : The Reception of Antiquity in Renaissance Humanism

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Edited by : Manfred Landfester

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For the thinkers, artists and scholars of the Renaissance, antiquity was a major source of inspiration; it provided renewed modes of scholarship, led to corrections of received doctrine and proved a wellspring of new achievements in almost every area of human life. The 130 articles in this volume cover not only well known figures of the Renaissance such as Copernicus, Dürer, and Erasmus but also overall themes such as architecture, agriculture, economics, philosophy and philology as well as many others.

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Celtis, Conrad

(2 459 mots)

Auteur(s): Landfester, Manfred (Gießen)
A. Life Conradus Celtis Protucius was born Konrad Bickel/Pickel, the son of a vintner, on February 11, 1459 in Wipfeld (near Schweinfurt), and died on February 4, 1508 at Vienna. The name, composed of three elements in the Roman style, is both Latinized, from celtis (the vintner's pruning 'chisel', German Pickel), and artfully Hellenized to Protucius, 'pre-chiseller' (from  pro, 'pre-', and  týkos, 'pick'). He studied the artes liberales at Cologne from 1478, taking his  Baccalaureus artium in 1479. From late 1484 to 1485, he studied at Heidelberg, with Rudolf Agricol…
Date: 2016-11-24