Dictionary of Gnosis & Western Esotericism

Zugang erwerben Fachgebiet: Religionswissenschaften
Edited by: Wouter J. Hanegraaff, in collaboration with Antoine Faivre, Roelof van den Broek and Jean-Pierre Brach

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Dictionary of Gnosis & Western Esotericism Online is the comprehensive reference work to cover the entire domain of “Gnosis and Western Esotericism” from the period of Late Antiquity to the present. Containing around 400 articles by over 180 international specialists, Dictionary of Gnosis & Western Esotericism Online provides critical overviews discussing the nature and historical development of all its important currents and manifestations, from Gnosticism and Hermetism to Astrology, Alchemy and Magic, from the Hermetic Tradition of the Renaissance to Rosicrucianism and Christian Theosophy, and from Freemasonry and Illuminism to 19thcentury Occultism and the contemporary New Age movement. Dictionary of Gnosis & Western Esotericism Online also contains articles about the life and work of all the major personalities in the history of Gnosis and Western Esotericism, discussing their ideas, significance, and historical influence.

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Yeats, William Butler

(1.472 Wörter)

Autor(en): Gorski, William
Yeats, William Butler, * 13 Jun 1865 (Sandymount (Ireland)), † 28 Jan 1939 (Roquebrune (France)) Modern Irish poet noted for his eclectic theories on the human personality, spiritual development, human history, and cosmology. Though known chiefly as one of the primary architects of the Irish Renaissance and as a tireless proponent for Irish independence, Yeats's posthumous appeal to a global readership concerns the poet's interactions with Western and Eastern esoteric traditions, which formed the foundation of…