Encyclopaedia of Islam, Second Edition, Glossary and Index of Terms

Get access Subject: Middle East And Islamic Studies
Edited by: P.J. Bearman, Th. Bianquis, C.E. Bosworth, E. van Donzel and W.P. Heinrichs
Assisted by C. Ott, under the patronage of the International Union of Acadamies

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Glossary and Index of Terms treats the technical terms in Arabic, Persian, Turkish, Urdu and other languages or dialects of the Islamic world. As an index, it is of immeasurable importance, in particular for the many terms which are not given an entry but are discussed in the course of an article; and as glossary it is an invaluable source of information for both non-specialist, who is given an insight into the varied and rich vocabulary of Islam, and the specialist, who may discover surprising new contexts in which a term is used.

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(43 words)

ḥāfir (A) : a horse, as used in Tradition prohibiting competitions of animals. Ḳimār; ‘horseshoe’, a…


(22 words)

ḥāfiẓ (A) : a designation for one who knows the Qurʾān by heart. Omdurman; a great traditionist. al-Silafī; and Ḥirz


(9 words)

ḥafr (A) : a dried-up well. al-Uḳays̲h̲ir


(26 words)

haft-band (P) : in literature, a variety of Tard̲j̲īʿ- or Tarḳīb-band, particularly common in Mart̲h…


(31 words)

haft-rangī (P) : in art, a glazed tile technique similar to cuerda seca in which the design is incised and/or dr…


(25 words)

ḥāgūza (Mor) : the name of a festival celebrated in Morocco, especially in the country, at the begin…


(33 words)

ḥāʾik (A, pl. ḥāka), or ḥayyāk : weaver (syn. nassād̲j̲). Ḥāfiẓ Tani̊s̲h̲ In North Africa, ~, or ḥayk, taḥaykt, is a l…


(13 words)

ḥāʾir (A) : a park or pleasure-garden, or zoological garden. al-Ḥāʾik


(18 words)

ḥakam (A) : in law, an arbitrator who settles a dispute (syn. muḥakkam). Ḥaḳāʾiḳ ḥakama Sarafsār


(11 words)

ḥakawātī (A) : the professional storyteller of folktales. Taḳālīd


(23 words)

hāk̲h̲ām-bas̲h̲i̊ (T) : in the Ottoman period, a chief rabbi, sent from Istanbul and having access t…


(148 words)

ḥaḳīḳa (A, pl. Ḥaḳāʾiḳ) : reality; essence, truth; in rhetoric and exegesis, al-ḥaḳīḳa is the basic meaning of a…


(54 words)

ḥakīm (A, pl. ḥukamāʾ; T ḥekīm) : sage; physician. al-ḥukamāʾ (A) : the ninth degr…


(250 words)

ḥaḳḳ (A, pl. ḥuḳūḳ) : something right, true, just, real; established fact; reality. Aḥmad b. Ḥanbal; al…


(27 words)

ḥakma (A) : in the terminology of horse-riding, the curb-chain of the bit, which is also composed of branches, s̲h̲ākim…


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ḥākūra (A) : a type of garden. Waḳf; in Sahelian Africa, an estate granted by the sultan to religiou…


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ḥakw (A) : a binding for a waist wrapper, worn by both sexes on the Arabian peninsula (syn. brīm). Libās


(152 words)

ḥāl (A, pl. aḥwāl) : state, condition; in mysticism, a spiritual state; the actualisation of a divine ‘…
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