Encyclopaedia of Islam, Second Edition, Glossary and Index of Terms

Get access Subject: Middle East And Islamic Studies
Edited by: P.J. Bearman, Th. Bianquis, C.E. Bosworth, E. van Donzel and W.P. Heinrichs
Assisted by C. Ott, under the patronage of the International Union of Acadamies

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Glossary and Index of Terms treats the technical terms in Arabic, Persian, Turkish, Urdu and other languages or dialects of the Islamic world. As an index, it is of immeasurable importance, in particular for the many terms which are not given an entry but are discussed in the course of an article; and as glossary it is an invaluable source of information for both non-specialist, who is given an insight into the varied and rich vocabulary of Islam, and the specialist, who may discover surprising new contexts in which a term is used.

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(50 words)

ṣāʿ (A) : a measure of capacity which was used in the Ḥid̲j̲āz in the days of Muḥammad, equal to 4 m…


(125 words)

sāʿa (A) : lit. hour, hence ‘clock’. For the ancient Arabs, ~ meant nothing more than ‘a moment, a b…


(32 words)

saʿāda (A) : happiness, bliss; in Islamic philosophy, a central concept to describe the highest aim …


(88 words)

sabʿ (A), or sabʿa : the number seven. Saʿadyā Ben Yōsēf al-sabʿ al-ṭiwāl (A) : lit. …


(254 words)

sabab (A, pl. asbāb) : lit. rope, coming to designate anything which binds or connects; hence also ‘bon…


(13 words)

sabad (A) : smooth, as e.g. in describing goats’ hair. G̲h̲anam


(14 words)

sabal (A) : in medicine, the pathological eye condition of pannus. 456a


(33 words)

sabʿānī (A), or misabbaʿ, nuʿmānī, bag̲h̲dādī : in folk-verse, a composition with the rhyme scheme a a a z z z a, which i…


(69 words)

sābāṭ (A) : in Indian siegecraft, a word used to express two walls, the foundations of which were la…


(17 words)

ṣabbāg̲h̲ (A) : a dyer, a skilled artisan in the mediaeval Near East. K̲h̲ays̲h̲; Sabasṭiyya


(26 words)

sabbāk (A) : a melter, one of the craftsmen employed as staff in the mint who carried out the actual…

sābiʿ al-arūs

(81 words)

sābiʿ al-arūs (A) : the first seven days of marriage, which play a special part in the marriage cere…


(33 words)

ṣabīb (A) : a term used in addition to the general term Lawn ‘colour’ for a notion of liquid colour …


(233 words)

sābiḳ (A) : the name for the first horse in a horse-race, according to the order of finishing. Furūsiyya In Druze hiera…


(124 words)

sabīl (A, pl. subul; T sebīl) : lit. way, road, path; in the Qurʾān, ~ is also used figuratively in e.g. the expressions sa…


(13 words)

ṣabir (A) : aloes or some other bitter vegetable substance. Ḥināṭa


(87 words)

ṣabiyy (A) : a youth, boy, or male child; one that has not yet been weaned, so called from the time …


(12 words)

sabḳ (A), or sibāḳ : the sport of horse-racing. Furūsiyya


(33 words)

sabk̲h̲a (A, pl. sibāk̲h̲; N.Afr. sebk̲h̲a) : in geography, salt marshes or lagoons and the salt flats le…

sabk-i hindī

(59 words)

sabk-i hindī (P) : ‘the Indian style’; the third term of a classification of Persian literature into …


(17 words)

sabla (A) : a loose gown worn by women in Egypt, synonymous with T̲h̲awb. Libās


(52 words)

ṣabr (A) : patience, endurance; resignation; the cardinal virtue in mysticism. Sabk̲h̲a; endurance o…


(17 words)

sabr (A, pl. subūr) : an advance party of a raiding group of Bedouin. G̲h̲azw


(48 words)

sabt (A) : the sabbath, and thus Saturday ( yawm al-~, technically, Friday evening to Saturday evening); it is…

sabuʿ al-baḥr

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sabuʿ al-baḥr (A) : ‘beast of the sea’, in zoology, the sea wolf ( Anarhichas lupus). Samak


(50 words)

ṣābūn (A, < Gk) : soap, a mixture of fat or tallow and vegetable ashes, used to dye the hair red, an…


(19 words)

sabziči-bās̲h̲ī (P) : in Ṣafawid times, an official in the royal kitchen responsible for green salads. Maṭbak̲h̲


(32 words)

ṣād (A) : the fourteenth letter of the Arabic alphabet, transcribed , with the numerical value 90. It is defin…


(16 words)

sadā (A) : the warp of a fabric; the weft is called luḥma. Ḥāʾik


(59 words)

ṣadā (A) : a term with many meanings, including those of thirst, voice, echo, and screech-owl, in the sense of hāma (or hā…


(67 words)

ṣadaf (A, s. ṣadafa) : in zoology, two classes of molluscs: mussels ( Lamellibranchiata) and snails ( Gastropoda), bo…


(8 words)

ṣadāḳ (A) : dowry (syn. Mahr).


(105 words)

ṣadaḳa (A) : voluntary alms, a charitable donation which does not require offer and acceptance and w…

ṣadāret ḳāʾim-maḳāmi̊

(6 words)

ṣadāret ḳāʾim-maḳāmi̊ Ḳāʾim-maḳām

sadd al-d̲h̲arāʾiʿ

(46 words)

sadd al-d̲h̲arāʾiʿ (A) : lit. closing off the means that can lead to evil; in law, a mechanism devise…


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sad̲h̲āb (A) : in botany, the rue plant. G̲h̲id̲h̲āʾ

ṣadḥat al-maṭar

(31 words)

ṣadḥat al-maṭar (A) : ‘rain bead’, utilised by Arab tribes accounted of South Arabian or Yemeni gene…


(32 words)

ṣadīg̲h̲ (A) : ‘an epithet applied to a child, in the stage extending to his completion of seven day…


(34 words)

ṣadīḳī (IndP), correctly ṣiddīḳī : in numismatics, a gold coin of the value of two pagodas, weighing 10…


(15 words)

sādin (A) : in early Arabia, the guardian of a shrine. al-Ṣādiḳiyya; ʿUd̲h̲ra


(82 words)

ṣādirāt (P, < A, s. ṣādir), or ṣādiriyyāt : one of the unfixed taxes in Persia, comprising levies made to m…


(29 words)

sād̲j̲ (A) : in botany, the teak tree, Tectona grandis L., of the family of the Verbenaceae. Saʿdiyya In Arab dress, a…


(11 words)

ṣād̲j̲ (A) : a concave metal plate. K̲h̲ubz; Ṭabk̲h̲


(90 words)

sad̲j̲ʿ (A) : in pre-Islamic times, the rhythmic, rhymed utterance of the soothsayer, which does not…


(43 words)

sad̲j̲da (A) : ‘bowing down’, the name of two Qurʾānic Sūras. al-Sad̲j̲āwandī sad̲j̲dat al-tilāwa …


(41 words)

sad̲j̲d̲j̲āda (A) : a prayer carpet. Sad̲j̲da; Binn In mysticism, ~ may refer to the mystical path initiated…


(26 words)

sād̲j̲isī (A) : a strain of sheep in the time of al-Ḏj̲āḥiẓ, which was very large and had wool of a pure white. G̲h̲anam


(376 words)

ṣadr (A, pl. ṣudūr) : lit. chest, breast, bosom, of all animals or of humans only. When used for only t…


(29 words)

ṣadūḳ (A) : ‘truthful’; in the science of Tradition, a quality of a reliable transmitter of Traditio…

saʿd wa-naḥs

(84 words)

saʿd wa-naḥs (A) : lit. the fortunate and the unfortunate; in astrology, terms used to describe the s…


(18 words)

ṣafā (A) : lit. hard, smooth stone, whence also ‘tract of stony ground’. Ṣadr al-Dīn Mūsā


(32 words)

safan (A) : in zoology, the sephen skate, whose Arabic term is found again in the Latinised nomencla…


(11 words)

ṣafan (A) : in anatomy, the scrotal sheath. K̲h̲āṣī


(30 words)

ṣafar (A) : name of the second month of the Islamic year, also called ~ al-k̲h̲ayr or ~ al-muẓaffar because of its bei…


(20 words)

safar (A) : journey, travel. Safāḳus; ‘journeying’ often to visit the graves of the dead, syn. Ziyāra. Ziyāra


(222 words)

ṣaff (A, pl. ṣufūf, B ṣoff) : lit. rank, row or line, company of men standing in a rank, row or line; in …


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saffāḥ (A) : bloodthirsty; generous. Al-Saffāḥ was the surname of the first ʿAbbāsid caliph. Abraha


(13 words)

saffūd (A) : in the mediaeval kitchen, a roasting skewer. Maṭbak̲h̲


(124 words)

ṣafī (A, pl. ṣafāyā) : in early Islam, special items consisting of immoveable property selected from bo…


(8 words)

safih (A) : a spendthrift. Yatīm


(95 words)

ṣafīḥa (A) : plate. S̲h̲akk ṣafīḥa s̲h̲akkāziyya s̲h̲akkāziyya ṣafīḥa zarḳālliyya …


(7 words)

safila (A) : scum. K̲h̲aṭṭābiyya


(96 words)

safīna (A, pl. sufun, safāʾin, safīn) : ship, used from pre-Islamic times. Safīd Rūd; and Ramat̲h̲ In codicology, a …


(114 words)

safīr (A, pl. sufarāʾ, T sefīr) : ambassador, messenger; in Twelver s̲h̲īʿism, ~ refers to the four deput…


(38 words)

ṣafḳa (A) : lit. striking hands together; in law, the ratification of a commercial contract; ~, unlike bayʿ, contains…


(40 words)

ṣafr (A), or isfīdrūy, isfādrūḥ (< P sapīd rūy) : in metallurgy, bronze, much used in early Islam for plain …


(26 words)

ṣafrāʾ (A) : yellow; in mediaeval texts, yellow bile, one of the four cardinal humours, the others b…


(17 words)

safsāri (N.Afr) : a large outer wrap for women, worn in Tunisia and Libya. Libās


(11 words)

safūf (A) : in medicine, a medicinal powder. Sukkar


(47 words)

ṣag̲h̲īr (A) : infant, child; one who has not attained to puberty (opp. kabīr). al-Ṣag̲h̲ānī In law, a minor, as op…


(122 words)

ṣaḥāba (A, s. ṣaḥābī, or Ṣāḥib), or Aṣḥāb : the Companions of the Prophet, dating from the first conver…


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saḥara (A) : agents of fallen angels. Siḥr


(22 words)

saḥarī (A) : in the mediaeval Near East, a beggar who begins to ply his ‘trade’ before the dawn. Mukaddī


(779 words)

ṣāḥib (A, pl. Aṣḥāb, Ṣaḥāba) : ‘companion’; the counsellor of a ruler; in compounds, partner, match …
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