Encyclopaedia of Islam, Second Edition, Glossary and Index of Terms

Get access Subject: Middle East And Islamic Studies
Edited by: P.J. Bearman, Th. Bianquis, C.E. Bosworth, E. van Donzel and W.P. Heinrichs
Assisted by C. Ott, under the patronage of the International Union of Acadamies

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Glossary and Index of Terms treats the technical terms in Arabic, Persian, Turkish, Urdu and other languages or dialects of the Islamic world. As an index, it is of immeasurable importance, in particular for the many terms which are not given an entry but are discussed in the course of an article; and as glossary it is an invaluable source of information for both non-specialist, who is given an insight into the varied and rich vocabulary of Islam, and the specialist, who may discover surprising new contexts in which a term is used.

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(61 words)

taḳsīm (A, pl. taḳāsīm) : in music, a solo melodic modal improvisation entrusted to an instrumentalist,…


(17 words)

taḳsīra (A) : a short-sleeved jacket worn by both sexes in Syria and Palestine. Libās


(36 words)

taḳsīṭ (A) : in early Islamic financial administration, the allocation or distribution amongst the t…


(10 words)

taḳṭīr (A) : in pharmacology, distillation. Māʾ al-Ward


(61 words)

ṭaḳṭūḳa (A) : in music, a form of strophic song in Egyptian colloquial Arabic. It is unclear whether…


(21 words)

taḳwā (A) : in religion and mysticism, fear of God, or godliness, devoutness, piety, pious abstinenc…


(52 words)

taḳwīm (A, pl. taḳāwīm) : tabular form of almanac data. Taḳwīm; a retrospective calendar of events. Taʾ…


(51 words)

takwīn (A) : ‘bringing into being’, the artificial generation of minerals, plants and animals; in th…


(25 words)

tāl (H) : in Indian music, a cyclic time-measure punctuated by a stress pattern which is marked on a pair of drums. Hind


(25 words)

ṭalā (A) : in the terminology of childhood, ‘the youngling of any kind; an infant until a month old …


(4 words)

ṭalaʿa It̲h̲t̲h̲ag̲h̲ara


(24 words)

talaḥḥī (A) : with iltiḥā, a rare synonym for the taḥnīk, or way the turban-cloth is brought under the chin (Ḥ…


(69 words)

ṭalāḳ (A) : in law, repudiation of the wife by the husband, by way of the simple unilateral declaration anti ṭāliḳ. ʿAbd…


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tālār (P) : in architecture, a flat-roofed portico. Architecture; ( ṭālār) a colonnaded verandah associated wi…


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talāt̲h̲ama (A) : to kiss one another. Lit̲h̲ām


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talāʾum (A) : in rhetoric, euphony. al-Rummānī
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