Encyclopaedia of Judaism

Get access Subject: Jewish Studies
General Editors: Jacob Neusner, Alan J. Avery-Peck and William Scott Green

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The Encyclopaedia of Judaism Online offers more than 200 entries comprising more than 1,000,000 words and is a unique reference tool.  The Encyclopaedia of Judaism Online offers an authoritative, comprehensive, and systematic presentation of the current state of scholarship on fundamental issues of Judaism, both past and present. While heavy emphasis is placed on the classical literature of Judaism and its history, the Encyclopaedia of Judaism Online also includes principal entries on circumcision, genetic engineering, homosexuality, intermarriage in American Judaism, and other acutely contemporary issues. Comprehensive and up-to-date, it reflects the highest standards in scholarship. Covering a tradition of nearly four thousand years, some of the most distinguished scholars in the field describe the way of life, history, art, theology, philosophy, and the practices and beliefs of the Jewish people.

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(5,952 words)

Author(s): Neusner, Jacob
In Judaism, monotheism refers to the belief in one God, who is all-powerful and just. In Judaism's view, the will of the one, unique God, made manifest through the Torah, governs, and, further, God's will for both private life and public activity is rational. That is to say, within man's understanding of reason, God's will is just. And by “just,” sages understood the commonsense meaning: fair, equitable, proportionate, commensurate. In place of fate or impersonal destiny, chance, or simply irrat…

Mormonism and Judaism

(10,117 words)

Author(s): Larsen, Kevin S.
The Mormons are members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, organized in New York State in 1830. They take their nickname from the Book of Mormon, translated by Joseph Smith, Jr., the founder of the Church, and edited originally, they assert, by an ancient American prophet, Mormon, who was of Hebrew descent. The Church states that it also believes the Bible “to be the word of God as far as it is translated correctly.” These statements come from the eighth of thirteen Articles of …

Morocco, Practice of Judaism in

(11,131 words)

Author(s): Toledano, Henry
The settlement of Jews in Morocco dates back to Greco-Roman and even Phoenician times. The Jewish presence during the Greco-Roman period (beginning in 150 b.c.e.) is attested by archaeological remains, Jewish tombstones with both Hebrew and Latin inscriptions, and slabs from ancient synagogues. There are various interesting theories as to the origins of this community, some of a purely legendary nature, others more historical. However, it is with the beginning of the Islamic period that Moroccan Jewry achieves cultural prominence. Soon after the establishmen…

Music in Judaism

(13,943 words)

Author(s): Kligman, Mark
While one typically expects a cultural group's music to be homogeneous and definable through melodic or rhythmic musical characteristics, due to the complex history of the Jewish people, Jewish music is neither homogeneous nor definable. Instead, reflecting the variety of the Jews' contacts with local cultures throughout time, Jewish music is largely to be characterized as an adaptation of music from local cultures within a Jewish context. But this fact—the absence of a universal feature that de…