Brill’s Encyclopaedia of the Neo-Latin World

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Edited by: Philip Ford (†), Jan Bloemendal and Charles Fantazzi

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With its striking range and penetrating depth, Brill’s Encyclopaedia of the Neo-Latin World traces the enduring history and wide-ranging cultural influence of Neo-Latin, the form of Latin that originated in the Italian Renaissance and persists to the modern era. Featuring original contributions by a host of distinguished international scholars, this comprehensive reference work explores every aspect of the civilized world from literature and law to philosophy and the sciences.


Philology: Editions and Editorial Practices in the Early Modern Period

(14,426 words)

Author(s): Bloemendal, Jan | Nellen, Henk J. M.
¶ Viewed in hindsight, it is principally the overwhelming flood of editions that attests to the revivification of classical learning and literature propagated by Renaissance humanism. This flood did no…


(1,655 words)

Author(s): Sandy, Gerald
Philologia . . . olim ornatrix . . . hodie instauratrix atque interpolatrix1 Rigorous French classical scholarship begins with Guillaume Budé (1468–1540). Until the publication of Budé’s three scholarly works, Annotationes . . . …

Pioneers of Neo-Latin Studies—Henry De Vocht

(540 words)

Author(s): Verbeke, Demmy
¶ Hendrik Alfons De Vocht (Turnhout, 1878-Leuven, 1962), commonly referred to as Henry or Henri De Vocht, entered the Catholic priesthood after five years of study at the Seminary of Mechlin in 1902. H…

Pioneers of Neo-Latin Studies—Jozef IJsewijn

(486 words)

Author(s): Verbeke, Demmy
¶ Jozef A. M. K. IJsewijn (Zwijndrecht, 1932-Leuven, 1998) first came into contact with Neo-Latin literature as a student of Henry De Vocht at the University of Leuven, where he studied classical philo…

Pioneers of Neo-Latin Studies—Paul Oskar Kristeller

(660 words)

Author(s): Verbeke, Demmy
¶ Paul Oskar Kristeller (Berlin, 1905–New York, 1999), one of the foremost Renaissance scholars of the twentieth century, also made ground-breaking contributions to the field of Neo-Latin studies. Kris…

Pliny (on Art)

(1,709 words)

Author(s): Gahtan, Maia Wellington
¶ Pliny the Elder’s Naturalis historia, a Roman encyclopaedic text of the first century bce, was the most important reference on the subject of natural history during the Middle Ages and the Renaissance. It was als…