Encyclopedia of Canonical Ḥadīth Online

Get access Subject: Middle East And Islamic Studies
Author: G.H.A. Juynboll

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This encyclopedic work on the earliest development of the religion and cultures of Islam comprises English translations of all canonical ḥadīths (oral traditions of or about the Prophet Muhammad), complete with their respective chains of transmission (isnāds). The work is organized in alphabetical order based on the names of the transmitters. Each of them is listed with the tradition(s) for the wording of which he can be held accountable, or with which he can at least be associated. Medieval commentaries as well as assorted biographical lexicons were drawn upon to illustrate the text of each tradition in all theological, social, legal and other noteworthy aspects.

This work presents an indispensable sourcebook of the development of Islam in all its facets during the first three centuries since its foundation as reflected in the canonical ḥadīth.

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Ḥajjāj b. Muḥammad

(1,599 words)

a mawlā of a mawlā of the caliph Manṣūr. He hailed from Tirmidh and moved to Baghdad, then to Maṣṣīṣa, then back again to Baghdad, where he is said to have died in 206/821. The ḥadīth master he is recorde…

Ḥakkām b. Salm ar-Rāzī

(343 words)

a strictly obscure figure allegedly from Rayy who is said to have died ca. 190/806. He occurs in one bundle supporting a tradition on the burial of the Prophet which deserves mentioning here. The tech…

Ḥammād b. Salama b. Dīnār Abū Salama

(7,997 words)

a leading tradition collector from Baṣra. He was a mawlā of Tamīm and a nephew of Ḥumayd aṭ-Ṭawīl. He is also mentioned as the mawlā of the B. Rabīʿa b. Mālik b. Ḥanẓala. He was one of the abdāl1. A characteristic of abdāl is that no children…

Ḥammād b. Zayd

(7,136 words)

a mawlā from Baṣra (d. 179/795), not to be confused with Ḥammād b. Salama dealt with above1. He is said to have become blind later in life, Dhahabī, Siyar, VII, p. 459. Yaḥyā b. Maʿīn is reported to have said that he had never s…

Hammām b. Munabbih

(60 words)

the brother of Wahb b. Munabbih, the author of some famous collections of legends about prophets. For the ḥadīth collection that goes by Hammām's name, the so-called Ṣaḥīfat Hammām b. Munabbih, and an attempt at establishing its a…

Hammām b. Yaḥyā b. Dīnār

(1,412 words)

a mawlā from Baṣra (d. 164/790), an on the whole controversial transmitter . His tarjama in Dhahabī, Siyar, VII, pp. 296-301, contains an array of partly conflicting, partly laudatory qualifications. With a strand on the authority…

Ḥasan al-Baṣrī

(1,140 words)

a famous legal mind and Qurʾān exegete from Baṣra, who died in 110/728. The qāḍī Sawwār b. ʿAbd Allāh (d. 156/773), who was himself of Arab stock, is said to have declared that Ḥasan and Muḥammad b. Sīrīn, both mawālī, were the true masters ( sa…