Encyclopedia of Canonical Ḥadīth Online

Get access Subject: Middle East And Islamic Studies
Author: G.H.A. Juynboll

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This encyclopedic work on the earliest development of the religion and cultures of Islam comprises English translations of all canonical ḥadīths (oral traditions of or about the Prophet Muhammad), complete with their respective chains of transmission (isnāds). The work is organized in alphabetical order based on the names of the transmitters. Each of them is listed with the tradition(s) for the wording of which he can be held accountable, or with which he can at least be associated. Medieval commentaries as well as assorted biographical lexicons were drawn upon to illustrate the text of each tradition in all theological, social, legal and other noteworthy aspects.

This work presents an indispensable sourcebook of the development of Islam in all its facets during the first three centuries since its foundation as reflected in the canonical ḥadīth.

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Yaḥyā b. Abī Kathīr

(5,613 words)

a mawlā who died in 129 or, as some others say, in 132/747-50. Born in Baṣra, he moved later in life first to Syria, from there to Medina, to end up finally in Yamāma, where he is reported to have spre…

Yaḥyā b. Ādam

(264 words)

a mawlā from Kūfa who died in 203/818. He is the author of a well-known book on kharāj, land tax1. He is also a transmitter of certain fame, for he is mentioned last in the roll of honour of early Islam's most prestigio…

Yaḥyā b. Saʿīd b. Qays al-Anṣārī

(13,640 words)

a pupil of the seven fuqahāʾ of Medina, where he was judge. Later, some time after 137/754, by order of al-Manṣūr, he was appointed judge in the then capital of Iraq, Hāshimiyya1, for the ʿAbbāsids. He died there in 143/760 or 144/…

Yaḥyā b. Saʿīd al-Qaṭṭān

(5,344 words)

a mawlā from Baṣra. His prowess in traditions and knowledge of transmitters earned him the honorific amīr al-muʾminīn fī 'l-ḥadīth. He is said to have died in 198/8121. In the following he is referred to as Yāhyā al-Qaṭṭān, to …

Yazīd b. Abī Ziyād

(414 words)

a mawlā from Kūfa who is said to have died in 137/754. He had a bad reputation as transmitter, also because of his frequent upgrading of non-Prophetic traditions to Prophetic ones, something which earned him the qualification of raffāʿ1. …

Yazīd b. Hārūn

(728 words)

a mawlā of the Banū Sulaym (118/736-206/821). He was a colourful figure from Wāsiṭ who spent also some time in Baghdad. Later in life he became blind and had a servant girl write down traditions for hi…