Encyclopedia of Hebrew Language and Linguistics
Associate editors: Shmuel Bolozky, Steven Fassberg, Gary A. Rendsburg, Aaron D. Rubin, Ora R. Schwarzwald, Tamar Zewi
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The Encyclopedia of Hebrew Language and Linguistics Online offers a systematic and comprehensive treatment of all aspects of the history and study of the Hebrew language from its earliest attested form to the present day.
The Encyclopedia of Hebrew Language and Linguistics Online features advanced search options, as well as extensive cross-references and full-text search functionality using the Hebrew character set. With over 850 entries and approximately 400 contributing scholars, the Encyclopedia of Hebrew Language and Linguistics Online is the authoritative reference work for students and researchers in the fields of Hebrew linguistics, general linguistics, Biblical studies, Hebrew and Jewish literature, and related fields.
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Paleography of Hebrew: Dead Sea Scrolls and Judean Desert Documents
(1,619 words)
Paleography of Hebrew Inscriptions
(2,775 words)
Palestinian Arabic Political Discourse
(2,910 words)
(2,978 words)
(2,607 words)
(815 words)
Parma A Manuscript of the Mishna
(1,219 words)
Parma B Manuscript of the Mishna
(1,189 words)
(3,144 words)
Paronomastic Infinitive
(888 words)
Participant Reference in Discourse: Biblical Hebrew
(2,136 words)
Participle: Biblical Hebrew
(2,233 words)
Participle: Modern Hebrew
(1,872 words)
Participle: Rabbinic Hebrew
(2,401 words)
(562 words)
Passive: Modern Hebrew
(3,442 words)
Pathology of Language
(2,801 words)
(384 words)
Pausal Forms
(633 words)
Paytanic Hebrew
(4,101 words)