Encyclopedia of Hebrew Language and Linguistics
Associate editors: Shmuel Bolozky, Steven Fassberg, Gary A. Rendsburg, Aaron D. Rubin, Ora R. Schwarzwald, Tamar Zewi
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The Encyclopedia of Hebrew Language and Linguistics Online offers a systematic and comprehensive treatment of all aspects of the history and study of the Hebrew language from its earliest attested form to the present day.
The Encyclopedia of Hebrew Language and Linguistics Online features advanced search options, as well as extensive cross-references and full-text search functionality using the Hebrew character set. With over 850 entries and approximately 400 contributing scholars, the Encyclopedia of Hebrew Language and Linguistics Online is the authoritative reference work for students and researchers in the fields of Hebrew linguistics, general linguistics, Biblical studies, Hebrew and Jewish literature, and related fields.
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Toponyms: in the Land of Israel
(6,524 words)
Toponyms outside of the Land of Israel
(2,299 words)
Tosefta, Hebrew of
(549 words)
Transcription into Arabic Script: Medieval Muslim Sources
(1,369 words)
Transcription into Arabic Script: Modern Period
(1,050 words)
Transcription into Greek and Latin Script: Pre-Masoretic Period
(13,270 words)
Transcription into Latin Script: Jerome
(793 words)
Transcription into Latin Script: Latin Inscriptions of the Roman Period
(691 words)
Transcription into Latin Script: Modern Hebrew
(2,240 words)
Transcription into Latin Script: Polish Coronation Sword
(1,003 words)
Transcription into Latin Script: Pre-Modern England
(1,436 words)
Transcription into Latin Script: Pre-Modern Spain
(969 words)
Transcription of Spoken Hebrew
(2,057 words)
Transcriptions into Arabic Script: Medieval Karaite Sources
(4,760 words)
Transcriptions into Cuneiform
(5,144 words)
Transcription Tables
(593 words)
Translation of Hebrew in English Bible Versions
(2,126 words)
Translations: Medieval Period
(2,266 words)
Translations: Modern Hebrew
(2,133 words)
T (t - Tzivoni, Lea)
(3,633 words)