Encyclopedia of Jewish Book Cultures Online
Being an encyclopedia on book cultures rather than book contents, this work places textuality and materiality of the book in the center of its investigation. The singularity of the Jewish book can only be understood in full if it is studied in its broader cultural and intercultural context. This encyclopedia does that by focusing on the paleographic features, intended function, cultural significance, readership, acceptance, and design of particular books and genres, as well as the producer-consumer relations involved in the making and circulating of books. It covers more than 2000 years of Jewish book cultures from all corners of the earth.
The Encyclopedia of Jewish Book Cultures Online will appear before the print edition and features full-text searchable, richly illustrated articles. The print edition will be released after all online content is complete and will include one introductory volume, dealing with the fundamental research questions in the wide field of Jewish Book History, followed by three alphabetically organized volumes, offering a classic entry-by-entry encyclopedia, with articles of greatly varying length. The online work reflects this framework and presents the introductory essays as a separate, but strongly intertwined, section.
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- Introductory Essays
- Introduction
- 1. Book History and Jewish Book History
- 2. Mapping the History of the Jewish Book
- 3. Oral Tradition and Writing in the Rabbinic Culture of Late Antiquity: Between Qumran and the Cairo Genizah
- 4. The Book as an Object: Material and Symbolic Values of Medieval Manuscripts
- 5. Audiences of the Jewish Book during the Medieval Period
- 6. Jewish Book Art and the Art of the Jewish Book in Manuscript Culture
- 7. Tradition and Change in the Transition from Manuscript to Print
- 8. Text and Book in Jewish Manuscript and Early Print Culture
- 9. The Formative Years of Hebrew Printing
- 10. Literary Genres and Publishing Formats of Jewish Books (forthcoming)
- 11. The Hebrew Printed Book as Art and Object
- 12. The Hebrew Printed Book as Artifact
- 13. Audiences of the Jewish Book since the Invention of Printing
- 14. Printed Books and Economics of Knowledge (forthcoming)
- 15. Libraries and the Collecting of Jewish Books
- 16. Jewish Publishing Culture in the 19th and Early 20th Centuries
- 17. Hebrew Book Printing and Design in Israel in the 20th Century
- 18. The Jewish Book in a Digital World
- Alphabetic
- A
- Acrostics
- Adler, Elkan Nathan
- Alba Bible
- Aleppo Codex
- Alfasi, Isaac
- Alphabet
- Ambrosian Bible
- Amherst (MA), Yiddish Book Center
- Amsterdam, Bibliotheca Rosenthaliana
- Amsterdam, Ets Haim - Livraria Montezinos
- Amulets
- Anti-Semitica
- Apocrypha and Pseudipigrapha
- Approbations
- Arabic, Book Production by Jews in
- Archives
- Aryeh ben Judah Leib Elchanan Katz
- Association of Jewish Libraries
- Auctions and Auction Catalogs
- Audio Books
- Austria-Hungary, Book Production in
- Autobiography
- Azulai, Ḥayyim Joseph David
- B
- Babylonian Bible St. Petersburg
- Babylonian Talmud
- Balkans, Book Production in the
- Bass, Shabbetai
- Belles-Lettres
- Ben Sira
- Bible
- Bibliographers
- Bibliographies
- Bibliophilism
- Bindings
- Birobidzhan, Jewish National Library of
- Bomberg, Daniel
- Book Illustration
- Book Lists
- Book Prices
- Book Trade
- Books for Women
- Books within Books
- Braginsky, René
- Braille
- Brivnshteler
- Broadsides
- C
- Calendar
- Calligraphy
- Cambridge, University Library
- Canada, Book Production in
- Canons
- Caribbean, Book Production in the
- Caricatures
- Censorship and Censors
- Chapbooks
- Children's Books
- China, Book Production in
- Christian Hebraism
- Chronograms
- Cincinnati, Hebrew Union College (HUC) Klau Library
- Codex Petropolitanus
- Codices
- Codicology
- Collections
- Colophon
- Commentaries
- Concordances
- Cookbooks
- Copenhagen, Bibliotheca Simonseniana
- Copyright
- Czechoslovakia, Book Production in
- D
- De Prato, Raphael
- De Rossi, Giovanni Bernardo
- Dead Sea Scrolls
- Deinard, Ephraim
- Digital Humanities
- Digital Libraries and Databases
- Documentary Writings
- E
- Eastern Europe, Book Production in
- Editing Strategies
- Education and Textbooks
- Elisha ben Abraham Cresques
- Encyclopedias
- Ephemera
- Epistolary Literature
- Ethical Wills
- Ex libris
- Exilliteratur
- Eybeschütz-Emden Controversy
- F
- Facsimile Editions and Reprints
- False Imprints (Clandestine Printing)
- Farissol, Abraham
- Festschriften
- Finzi Family
- Firkovich, Abraham
- Folk-Books
- Folk Customs around the Book
- Footprints
- Fore-Titles
- Forgery
- France, Book Production in
- G
- Gaster, Moses
- Genizah
- German Lands, Book Production in the
- Goldschmidt, Lazarus
- Grammars and Dictionaries (Hebrew)
- Graphic Novels
- Greek Islands, Book Production on the
- Gross, William
- Guenzburg, Baron David
- H
- Haggadah
- Halakhic Books
- Halfan Family
- Harkavy, Abraham
- Harrison Miscellany
- Hasidic Books
- Haskalah
- Hayyim (Scribe)
- Hazarfati, Joseph
- Hebrew Bibliography Project
- Hebrew Book Titles
- Hebrew Manuscripts in Arabic Script
- Heidenheim, Wolf
- Herlingen, Aaron Wolff
- Ḥevra Kaddisha
- Hilleli Codex
- Historiography
- Holocaust Diaries
- Homiletics
- I
- Iberian Peninsula, Book Production on the
- Ilanot
- Illumination (Hand) in Printed Books
- Illustrations (Printed) in Manuscripts
- Imprimatur
- Incunabula and Post-Incunabula
- Indexes and Tables of Contents
- India, Book Production in
- Information Management
- Ink
- Inquisition and Auto-da-fé
- Israel, Book Production in
- Istanbul, Book Production in
- Italy, Book Production in
- J
- Jerusalem, Institute of Microfilmed Hebrew Manuscripts
- Jerusalem, National Library of Israel
- Jerusalem, Schocken Library
- Jerusalem, Shrine of the Book
- Jeselsohn, David
- Jesselson, Michael
- Jewish Languages in Manuscript and Print
- Jewish Publishing in Non-Jewish Languages
- Joel ben Simeon
- Joseph ben David
- Joseph ibn Ḥayyim
- Joshua ibn Gaon
- Journals and Periodicals
- Judaica and Hebraica
- Judeo-Arabic, Book Production in
- Judeo-Persian, Book Production in
- K
- Kabbalistic Manuscripts and Printed Books
- Kaufmann, David
- Kennicott Bible I
- Ketubbah
- Kiev, Vernadsky National Library
- Knowledge, Organization of
- Kunteres
- L
- Ladino, Book Production in
- Lehmann, Manfred R.
- Leiden Jerusalem Talmud
- Leningrad Codex (Firk. Heb. B 19a)
- Lexicology
- Librarians
- Libraries
- Library Catalogs
- Literacy
- Literary and Learned Societies
- Lithographed Books
- Liturgical Books
- London, Beth Din Library
- London, British Library
- London, Jews' College Library
- Looting and Restitution
- Lost Books
- M
- Magic
- Maḥzor
- Maḥzor Viṭry
- Maimonides, Autographs of Moses
- Mantua Book Lists
- Manuscripts, Copied from Printed Books
- Manuscripts, Non-Hebrew Characters
- Maps
- Marginal Annotations
- Masorah
- Mass Media
- Mayse-Bukh
- Me'am Lo'ez
- Megillat Esther (Scroll of Esther)
- Megillot
- Memorbuch
- Menasseh ben Israel
- Micrography
- Middle East, Book Production in the
- Midrash
- Minhagim Books
- Miniature Books
- Miscellany Volumes
- Mise-en-page
- Mise-en-texte
- Mishnah
- Mišneh Torah
- Mohel Books
- Moldovan, Alfred
- Mordecai ben Joseph
- Mosconi, Lleó
- Moses Judah Leib ben Wolf Broda
- Munich Babylonian Talmud
- Munich Rashi
- Music, Written
- Mysticism
- N
- Nash Papyrus
- Netherlands, Book Production in the
- New York, Jewish Theological Seminary of America Library
- Newspapers
- North Africa, Book Production in
- North French Hebrew Miscellany
- Nuremberg Haggadah 2 and Yahuda Haggadah
- O
- Open Book Cultures
- Oppenheim, David
- Orality
- Otiyot Amsterdam
- Ottoman Empire, Book Production in the
- Oxford, Bodleian Library
- P
- Paleography
- Palestinian Talmud
- Paper
- Paper Brigade
- Paper Cuts
- Paratext
- Parchment
- Paris, Alliance Israélite Universelle
- Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France
- Parma, Biblioteca Palatina
- People of the Book
- Pinkasim
- Piyyuṭ
- Poland, Book Production in
- Polyglots
- Popularization (Handbooks, Manuals)
- Portugal, Book Production in
- Prenumerantn
- Printers' Marks
- Printing Technology
- Provenance
- Publishers, Judaica
- Purim Shpiln
- Q
- Qaraitica
- R
- Raban, Ze'ev
- Rabbinic Bible
- Reading
- Responsa
- Romanization
- Rothschild Miscellany
- Rotuli
- Royalty
- Russian Empire, Book Production in the
- S
- Samaritana
- Samuel ben Jacob
- Sanctity of Books
- Sarajevo Haggadah
- Saraval Collection
- Sassoon, D.S. and S.D.
- Scandinavia, Book Production in
- Schottenstein, Jay
- Science
- Scribes
- Second World War
- Sefer ha-Ziquq
- Sefer Torah
- Septuagint / Hellenistic Jewish Books
- Sfardata
- Shapira Fragments
- Siddur
- Slovakia, Book Production in
- Sofer, David
- Soncino-Gesellschaft
- South and Central America, Book Production in
- Spanish and Portuguese, Printed Books in
- Spinozana
- Statistics
- Steinschneider, Moritz
- Strashun, Mathias (Mattityahu)
- Šulḥan ʿaruḵ
- T
- Tafsir
- Targum
- Taylor-Schechter Genizah Research Unit
- Textual Intimacy
- Tiqun soferim and Tiqun qoreʾim
- Title Pages
- Tkhines
- Toledot Yeshu
- Tosafot
- Translations
- Travelogues
- Tsene-rene
- Typefaces
- Typographers
- Typography
- U
- Ukraine, Book Production in
- Underground and War Time Book Production
- Unfinished Books
- United Kingdom, Book Production in the
- United States, Book Production in the
- V
- Valmadonna Trust Library
- Van Straalen, Samuel
- Vatican, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana
- Veneration of Books and Scrolls
- Vienna, Israelitische Kultusgemeinde
- W
- Waldfogel, Procope
- Warsaw, Zydowski Instytut Historyczny
- Web Initiatives
- Widmanstetter, Johann Albrecht
- Wissenschaft des Judentums
- Wolf, Johann Christoph
- Women in Book Production
- Writing
- Y
- Yemen, Book Production in
- Yiddish, Book Production in
- YIVO Library
- Yizker-bikher
- Z
- Zohar
- Zunz, Leopold
- Thematic
- Audiences
- Books for Women
- Braille
- Canons
- Censorship and Censors
- Children's Books
- Christian Hebraism
- Dead Sea Scrolls
- Editing Strategies
- Education and Textbooks
- Eybeschütz-Emden Controversy
- Folk Customs around the Book
- Hebrew Book Titles
- Ḥevra Kaddisha
- Information Management
- Journals and Periodicals
- Knowledge, Organization of
- Literacy
- Literary and Learned Societies
- Mantua Book Lists
- Marginal Annotations
- Mass Media
- Me'am Lo'ez
- Miniature Books
- Newspapers
- Open Book Cultures
- Orality
- People of the Book
- Polyglots
- Popularization (Handbooks, Manuals)
- Provenance
- Reading
- Samaritana
- Sefer ha-Ziquq
- Soncino-Gesellschaft
- Textual Intimacy
- Translations
- Veneration of Books and Scrolls
- Women in Book Production
- Writing
- Book Art
- Alphabet
- Calligraphy
- Caricatures
- Elisha ben Abraham Cresques
- Graphic Novels
- Harrison Miscellany
- Ilanot
- Illumination (Hand) in Printed Books
- Illustrations (Printed) in Manuscripts
- Joel ben Simeon
- Joseph ben David
- Joseph ibn Ḥayyim
- Joshua ibn Gaon
- Kennicott Bible I
- Maḥzor
- Maps
- Micrography
- Miscellany Volumes
- Mordecai ben Joseph
- Moses Judah Leib ben Wolf Broda
- Munich Rashi
- North French Hebrew Miscellany
- Nuremberg Haggadah 2 and Yahuda Haggadah
- Paper Cuts
- Raban, Ze'ev
- Rothschild Miscellany
- Sarajevo Haggadah
- Women in Book Production
- Collections and Collectors
- Adler, Elkan Nathan
- Braginsky, René
- Collections
- De Rossi, Giovanni Bernardo
- Ex libris
- Firkovich, Abraham
- Gaster, Moses
- Gross, William
- Guenzburg, Baron David
- Jeselsohn, David
- Jesselson, Michael
- Judaica and Hebraica
- Kaufmann, David
- Lehmann, Manfred R.
- Library Catalogs
- Moldovan, Alfred
- Mosconi, Lleó
- Oppenheim, David
- Saraval Collection
- Sassoon, D.S. and S.D.
- Schottenstein, Jay
- Sofer, David
- Strashun, Mathias (Mattityahu)
- Wolf, Johann Christoph
- Digitization
- Audio Books
- Babylonian Talmud
- Digital Humanities
- Digital Libraries and Databases
- Footprints
- Hebrew Bibliography Project
- Jerusalem, Institute of Microfilmed Hebrew Manuscripts
- Romanization
- Sfardata
- Web Initiatives
- Economy and Book Market
- Approbations
- Auctions and Auction Catalogs
- Bibliophilism
- Bindings
- Book Lists
- Book Prices
- Book Trade
- Censorship and Censors
- Chapbooks
- Copyright
- False Imprints (Clandestine Printing)
- Forgery
- Information Management
- Mantua Book Lists
- Miniature Books
- Paratext
- Prenumerantn
- Printers' Marks
- Underground and War Time Book Production
- Eras
- Haskalah
- Inquisition and Auto-da-fé
- Looting and Restitution
- Paper Brigade
- Second World War
- Wissenschaft des Judentums
- Genres
- Anti-Semitica
- Apocrypha and Pseudipigrapha
- Autobiography
- Belles-Lettres
- Bible
- Bibliographies
- Brivnshteler
- Calendar
- Canons
- Caricatures
- Chapbooks
- Children's Books
- Commentaries
- Concordances
- Cookbooks
- Documentary Writings
- Education and Textbooks
- Encyclopedias
- Ephemera
- Epistolary Literature
- Ethical Wills
- Exilliteratur
- Festschriften
- Folk-Books
- Grammars and Dictionaries (Hebrew)
- Graphic Novels
- Haggadah
- Halakhic Books
- Hasidic Books
- Historiography
- Holocaust Diaries
- Homiletics
- Ilanot
- Journals and Periodicals
- Kabbalistic Manuscripts and Printed Books
- Ketubbah
- Kunteres
- Lexicology
- Liturgical Books
- Magic
- Maḥzor
- Maḥzor Viṭry
- Megillot
- Memorbuch
- Midrash
- Minhagim Books
- Mishnah
- Mohel Books
- Music, Written
- Mysticism
- Pinkasim
- Piyyuṭ
- Polyglots
- Purim Shpiln
- Rabbinic Bible
- Responsa
- Royalty
- Samaritana
- Science
- Sefer ha-Ziquq
- Septuagint / Hellenistic Jewish Books
- Siddur
- Spinozana
- Tafsir
- Targum
- Tkhines
- Tosafot
- Travelogues
- Tsene-rene
- Unfinished Books
- Yizker-bikher
- Geographic Areas
- Austria-Hungary, Book Production in
- Balkans, Book Production in the
- Canada, Book Production in
- Caribbean, Book Production in the
- China, Book Production in
- Czechoslovakia, Book Production in
- Eastern Europe, Book Production in
- France, Book Production in
- German Lands, Book Production in the
- Greek Islands, Book Production on the
- Iberian Peninsula, Book Production on the
- India, Book Production in
- Israel, Book Production in
- Istanbul, Book Production in
- Italy, Book Production in
- Judeo-Arabic, Book Production in
- Judeo-Persian, Book Production in
- Ladino, Book Production in
- Middle East, Book Production in the
- Netherlands, Book Production in the
- North Africa, Book Production in
- Ottoman Empire, Book Production in the
- Poland, Book Production in
- Portugal, Book Production in
- Russian Empire, Book Production in the
- Scandinavia, Book Production in
- Slovakia, Book Production in
- South and Central America, Book Production in
- Ukraine, Book Production in
- United Kingdom, Book Production in the
- United States, Book Production in the
- Yemen, Book Production in
- Yiddish, Book Production in
- Languages
- Arabic, Book Production by Jews in
- Jewish Languages in Manuscript and Print
- Jewish Publishing in Non-Jewish Languages
- Judeo-Arabic, Book Production in
- Judeo-Persian, Book Production in
- Ladino, Book Production in
- Manuscripts, Non-Hebrew Characters
- Me'am Lo'ez
- Netherlands, Book Production in the
- Spanish and Portuguese, Printed Books in
- Spinozana
- Tafsir
- Tsene-rene
- Yiddish, Book Production in
- Libraries and Archives
- Amherst (MA), Yiddish Book Center
- Amsterdam, Bibliotheca Rosenthaliana
- Amsterdam, Ets Haim - Livraria Montezinos
- Archives
- Association of Jewish Libraries
- Birobidzhan, Jewish National Library of
- Cambridge, University Library
- Cincinnati, Hebrew Union College (HUC) Klau Library
- Copenhagen, Bibliotheca Simonseniana
- Digital Libraries and Databases
- Genizah
- Jerusalem, Institute of Microfilmed Hebrew Manuscripts
- Jerusalem, National Library of Israel
- Jerusalem, Schocken Library
- Jerusalem, Shrine of the Book
- Kiev, Vernadsky National Library
- Librarians
- Libraries
- Library Catalogs
- London, Beth Din Library
- London, British Library
- London, Jews' College Library
- New York, Jewish Theological Seminary of America Library
- Oxford, Bodleian Library
- Paris, Alliance Israélite Universelle
- Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France
- Parma, Biblioteca Palatina
- Taylor-Schechter Genizah Research Unit
- Valmadonna Trust Library
- Vatican, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana
- Vienna, Israelitische Kultusgemeinde
- Warsaw, Zydowski Instytut Historyczny
- YIVO Library
- Manuscripts
- Alba Bible
- Aleppo Codex
- Ambrosian Bible
- Arabic, Book Production by Jews in
- Babylonian Talmud
- Bible
- Book Illustration
- Books within Books
- Calligraphy
- Codex Petropolitanus
- Codices
- Codicology
- Colophon
- Dead Sea Scrolls
- Documentary Writings
- Eastern Europe, Book Production in
- Facsimile Editions and Reprints
- France, Book Production in
- German Lands, Book Production in the
- Haggadah
- Halakhic Books
- Harrison Miscellany
- Hebrew Manuscripts in Arabic Script
- Hilleli Codex
- Ilanot
- Illustrations (Printed) in Manuscripts
- Italy, Book Production in
- Jerusalem, Institute of Microfilmed Hebrew Manuscripts
- Judeo-Arabic, Book Production in
- Judeo-Persian, Book Production in
- Kabbalistic Manuscripts and Printed Books
- Kennicott Bible I
- Kunteres
- Ladino, Book Production in
- Leiden Jerusalem Talmud
- Leningrad Codex (Firk. Heb. B 19a)
- Liturgical Books
- Lost Books
- Maḥzor Viṭry
- Manuscripts, Copied from Printed Books
- Manuscripts, Non-Hebrew Characters
- Maps
- Megillat Esther (Scroll of Esther)
- Megillot
- Middle East, Book Production in the
- Miscellany Volumes
- Mise-en-page
- Mise-en-texte
- Mišneh Torah
- Munich Babylonian Talmud
- Munich Rashi
- Nash Papyrus
- North French Hebrew Miscellany
- Nuremberg Haggadah 2 and Yahuda Haggadah
- Paleography
- Palestinian Talmud
- Parchment
- Rothschild Miscellany
- Rotuli
- Sarajevo Haggadah
- Sefer Torah
- Septuagint / Hellenistic Jewish Books
- Shapira Fragments
- Statistics
- Šulḥan ʿaruḵ
- Toledot Yeshu
- Yiddish, Book Production in
- Zohar
- Material Aspects
- Amulets
- Bindings
- Broadsides
- Fore-Titles
- Ink
- Marginal Annotations
- Mise-en-page
- Mise-en-texte
- Otiyot Amsterdam
- Paleography
- Paper
- Parchment
- Printers' Marks
- Provenance
- Rotuli
- Sanctity of Books
- Title Pages
- Veneration of Books and Scrolls
- Persons
- Adler, Elkan Nathan
- Alfasi, Isaac
- Aryeh ben Judah Leib Elchanan Katz
- Azulai, Ḥayyim Joseph David
- Bass, Shabbetai
- Bibliographers
- Bibliographies
- Bomberg, Daniel
- Braginsky, René
- De Prato, Raphael
- De Rossi, Giovanni Bernardo
- Deinard, Ephraim
- Elisha ben Abraham Cresques
- Farissol, Abraham
- Finzi Family
- Firkovich, Abraham
- Gaster, Moses
- Goldschmidt, Lazarus
- Gross, William
- Guenzburg, Baron David
- Halfan Family
- Harkavy, Abraham
- Hayyim (Scribe)
- Hazarfati, Joseph
- Heidenheim, Wolf
- Herlingen, Aaron Wolff
- Jeselsohn, David
- Jesselson, Michael
- Joel ben Simeon
- Joseph ben David
- Joseph ibn Ḥayyim
- Joshua ibn Gaon
- Kaufmann, David
- Lehmann, Manfred R.
- Menasseh ben Israel
- Moldovan, Alfred
- Mordecai ben Joseph
- Mosconi, Lleó
- Moses Judah Leib ben Wolf Broda
- Oppenheim, David
- Raban, Ze'ev
- Samuel ben Jacob
- Sassoon, D.S. and S.D.
- Schottenstein, Jay
- Sofer, David
- Steinschneider, Moritz
- Strashun, Mathias (Mattityahu)
- Van Straalen, Samuel
- Waldfogel, Procope
- Widmanstetter, Johann Albrecht
- Wolf, Johann Christoph
- Zunz, Leopold
- Printing and Publishing
- Approbations
- Arabic, Book Production by Jews in
- Babylonian Talmud
- Bible
- Bomberg, Daniel
- Book Illustration
- Broadsides
- Chronograms
- Copyright
- Documentary Writings
- Eastern Europe, Book Production in
- Facsimile Editions and Reprints
- False Imprints (Clandestine Printing)
- Footprints
- Fore-Titles
- France, Book Production in
- German Lands, Book Production in the
- Haggadah
- Halakhic Books
- Heidenheim, Wolf
- Illumination (Hand) in Printed Books
- Imprimatur
- Incunabula and Post-Incunabula
- Indexes and Tables of Contents
- Israel, Book Production in
- Italy, Book Production in
- Jewish Publishing in Non-Jewish Languages
- Journals and Periodicals
- Judeo-Arabic, Book Production in
- Judeo-Persian, Book Production in
- Kabbalistic Manuscripts and Printed Books
- Ladino, Book Production in
- Lithographed Books
- Liturgical Books
- Mass Media
- Menasseh ben Israel
- Middle East, Book Production in the
- Mise-en-page
- Mise-en-texte
- Newspapers
- Otiyot Amsterdam
- Palestinian Talmud
- Paratext
- Polyglots
- Prenumerantn
- Printers' Marks
- Printing Technology
- Publishers, Judaica
- Rabbinic Bible
- Romanization
- Royalty
- Soncino-Gesellschaft
- Statistics
- Title Pages
- Typefaces
- Typographers
- Typography
- Waldfogel, Procope
- Women in Book Production
- Yiddish, Book Production in
- Scribes and Scribal Practices
- Acrostics
- Alphabet
- Aryeh ben Judah Leib Elchanan Katz
- Calligraphy
- Chronograms
- Codicology
- Colophon
- De Prato, Raphael
- Elisha ben Abraham Cresques
- Farissol, Abraham
- Finzi Family
- Halfan Family
- Hayyim (Scribe)
- Hazarfati, Joseph
- Hebrew Manuscripts in Arabic Script
- Herlingen, Aaron Wolff
- Joel ben Simeon
- Joseph ben David
- Joshua ibn Gaon
- Maimonides, Autographs of Moses
- Manuscripts, Copied from Printed Books
- Masorah
- Micrography
- Samuel ben Jacob
- Scribes
- Sefer Torah
- Tiqun soferim and Tiqun qoreʾim
- Women in Book Production
- Writing
- Texts
- Apocrypha and Pseudipigrapha
- Babylonian Bible St. Petersburg
- Babylonian Talmud
- Ben Sira
- Bible
- Lost Books
- Mayse-Bukh
- Me'am Lo'ez
- Megillat Esther (Scroll of Esther)
- Mishnah
- Palestinian Talmud
- Šulḥan ʿaruḵ
- Zohar