Encyclopedia of Jews in the Islamic World
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The Encyclopedia of Jews in the Islamic World Online (EJIW) is the first cohesive and discreet reference work which covers the Jews of Muslim lands particularly in the late medieval, early modern and modern periods. The Encyclopedia of Jews in the Islamic World Online is updated with newly commissioned articles, illustrations, multimedia, and primary source material.
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Zacuto, Abraham b. Samuel
(684 words)
Zafrani, Haïm
(559 words)
Zagora (and region)
(587 words)
Zagury, Yaḥyā
(465 words)
(944 words)
Zana, Léon
(315 words)
Zana, Victor
(182 words)
Zarqa, Joseph
(186 words)
Zarqa, Solomon
(921 words)
(552 words)
(303 words)
Zaynab Begum
(199 words)
Zefira, Bracha
(923 words)
Zéiré Zion Society (Alexandria)
(314 words)
Zeki Effendi (Moshe ben Rafael Attias)
(715 words)
Zerbib, Abraham
(291 words)
Zerbib, Masʿūd
(539 words)