Encyclopedia of Jews in the Islamic World

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Executive Editor: Norman A. Stillman

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The Encyclopedia of Jews in the Islamic World Online (EJIW) is the first cohesive and discreet reference work which covers the Jews of Muslim lands particularly in the late medieval, early modern and modern periods. The Encyclopedia of Jews in the Islamic World Online is updated with newly commissioned articles, illustrations, multimedia, and primary source material. 

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Yıldırım Sports and Youth Club

(237 words)

Author(s): Aksel Erbahar
The Yildirim Sports and Youth Club in Istanbul was founded in 1963 by Dr. Menahem Mitrani. Its main objective is to provide a Judaic education to the Jewish youth of Turkey by bringing them together. It was originally intended to be a social club, but it also became an athletic club. In this respect it encourages Jewish participation in sports and athletic competitions, specifically in the Maccabia Games in Israel, and cultivates qualified individuals by encouraging progress and education.At present the Yildirim Sports and  Youth Club is the official athletic club of the …

Yishai, Eli

(338 words)

Author(s): Avi Picard
Eli Yishai was born in Israel in 1962 to a family of immigrants from Tunisia. He grew up in Jerusalem, where he studied at a Modern Orthodox school. After completing his military service he joined Shas, the ultra-Orthodox Sephardic political movement.Yishai began his career as an assistant to the first Shas member of the Jerusalem City Council (1983). He later served as a council member himself (1987–1988) and then was, successively, an aide to Minister of Internal Affairs Aryeh Derʿi, general secretary of the party, and CEO of the party’s educational organization, El Hamaʿayan.Unlike o…

Yitzhari, Zadok (Ṣāliḥ al-Ẓāhirī)

(389 words)

Author(s): Mark Wagner
Zadok Yitzhari (Ṣāliḥ al-Ẓāhirī) was a prominent member of the Yemeni Jewish community both in Yemen and in Israel. Born in Radāʿ, Yemen, in 1901, he studied with Rabbi Yiḥye Qāfiḥ and Rabbi Yaḥyā Isḥāq in Sanʿa. In addition, he attained a remarkable understanding of Islamic law and often represented both Jews and Muslims in legal proceedings. Yitzhari had close ties with Imām Yaḥyā, the country’s ruler, and with tribal leaders from his home region. Occasionally entrusted with administrative tas…