Encyclopedia of Law and Religion

Zugang erwerben Fachgebiet: Rechtswissenschaften

Edited by: Gerhard Robbers and W. Cole Durham

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In recent years, issues of freedom of religion or belief and state-religion relations have become increasingly important worldwide. The Encyclopedia of Law and Religion, unique in its breadth and global coverage, provides an important foundational resource for study of these issues. The encyclopedia covers the relation between law and religion in its various aspects, including those related to the role of religion in society, the relations between religion and state institutions, freedom of religion, legal aspects of religious traditions, the interaction between law and religion, and other issues at the junction of law, religion, and state.

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(2.958 Wörter)

Autor(en): Peter Kanyandago
I. Social Facts The Republic of Uganda is a former British colony which became independent on 9 October 1962. The country has an area of 93,000 sq. km. According to the 2002 Uganda Population and Housing Report (Uganda Bureau of Statistics, 2002), Uganda had 24.4 million people in 2002, now estimated to be 35.9 million. According to this same report, the list below shows the percentage of each religious group among the whole population: Catholic: 41.9% Anglican: 35.9% Pentecostal: 4.6% Seventh-day Adventist: 1.5% Orthodox: 0.1% Other Christian: 1% Muslim: 12% Traditional: 1% Bahá…