Encyclopedia of Slavic Languages and Linguistics Online

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Edited by: Marc L. Greenberg (editor-in-chief), University of Kansas; Lenore A. Grenoble (general editor), University of Chicago; associate editors: Stephen M. Dickey, University of Kansas, René Genis, University of Amsterdam, Marek Łaziński, University of Warsaw, Mikhail Oslon, Institute of the Polish Language - Cracow, Anita Peti-Stantić, University of Zagreb, Masako Ueda Fidler, Brown University, Mladen Uhlik, University of Ljubljana, Björn Wiemer, University of Mainz, Nadežda V. Zorixina-Nilsson, Stockholm University

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The Encyclopedia of Slavic Languages and Linguistics offers a comprehensive overview of the languages of the Slavic language family and the different ways in which they are and have been studied. It provides authoritative treatment of all important aspects of the Slavic language family from its Indo-European origins to the present day, as well as consideration of interaction of Slavic with other languages.

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(3,944 words)

Author(s): Berger, Tilman
Absentive is a type of language construction that involves a finite form of the verb ‘be’ with an infinitive. Semantically, absentive can express a range of meanings, from the absence of the person referred to in the utterance (hence the name) to direction, duration, or stative interpretation. In Slavic languages, absentive is most widespread in Czech and Slovak (e.g.,  Byl jsem se koupat) and attested as normative in the grammars of these languages. Other Slavic languages can be classified into four groups regarding the use of absentive constructions i…
Date: 2024-01-23


(5,800 words)

Author(s): Kapović, Mate
Slavic accentology concerns the synchronic and diachronic aspects of Slavic accentual (word-prosody) systems – from accentual systems in modern Slavic languages and dialects to the reconstruction of the Proto-Slavic accentual system. Among Indo-European languages, Slavic (and Balto-Slavic) historical accentology is known for its complexity.Modern Slavic accentual systemsThe accentual (word-prosody) systems of modern Slavic languages are rather diverse – western South Slavic languages (Slovene, BCMS) have pitch accent (limited-tone accent)…
Date: 2024-01-23

Accent Systems, Suprasegmental Phonetics, and Phonology

(8,657 words)

Author(s): Jurgec, Peter
This paper examines suprasegmental properties in Slavic, including stress, vowel length (quantity), and tone (pitch-accent). For each property, the phonological patterning and phonetic realization are examined. Special attention is given to secondary stress in contemporary Slavic languages, with a typology of footing. The paper also discusses the relationship between suprasegmental and segmental properties, as well as interactions among suprasegmental properties.All three types of prosodic properties are contrastive in at least one Slavic language: the …
Date: 2024-01-23


(5 words)

See Language Accommodation and Assimilation.
Date: 2024-01-23

Active Dictionary

(5,129 words)

Author(s): Apresjan, Jurij
The concept of active dictionaries, also termed productive, can be best presented against the background of passive dictionaries. Passive dictionaries aim at providing the user with clues necessary for understanding texts in the given language. This aim is attained by supplying brief information on the grammatical features and senses of the words entered in the dictionary, often with few examples of their actual use. However, the number of words in a passive dictionary tends to be large –…
Date: 2024-01-23

Adjectives (forthcoming)

(3 words)

Author(s): Konickaja, Jelena
forthcomingJelena Konickaja
Date: 2024-01-23

Adnominal Possessive Constructions (forthcoming)

(7 words)

Author(s): Eckhoff, Hanne | Alvestad, Silje Susanne
forthcomingHanne EckhoffSilje Susanne Alvestad
Date: 2024-01-23

Adverbial Clauses

(4,638 words)

Author(s): Weiss, Daniel
After questioning the traditional category “adverbial clause,” which, unlike “complement clause” and “relative clause,” is not syntactically defined, the inventory of the formal markers of this category is presented, which encompasses connectives; their possible correlatives in the main clause; and the verbal categories finiteness, mood, aspect, and tense. Subsequently, the verbal categories are examined in more detail by illustrating the interplay of aspect and tense in expressing taxis relatio…
Date: 2024-01-23

Adverbs (forthcoming)

(3 words)

Author(s): Hwang, Chulhyun
forthcomingChulhyun Hwang
Date: 2024-01-23

Agreement (forthcoming)

(3 words)

Author(s): Willer-Gold, Jana
forthcomingJana Willer-Gold
Date: 2024-01-23