Sacramentum Mundi Online

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Edited by: Karl Rahner with Cornelius Ernst and Kevin Smyth.
Advisor for the online edition: Karen Kilby, Durham University

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Sacramentum Mundi Online is the online edition of the famous six volume English reference work in Catholic Theology, edited (in 1968-1970) by Karl Rahner, one of the main Catholic theologians of the 20th century. Sacramentum Mundi: An Encyclopedia of Theology was originally published by Herder Verlag, and is now available online at Brill.

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Investiture Controversy

(2,029 words)

Author(s): Hermann Tüchle
The Investiture Controversy, which flared up in the 11th century over the question of investiture (i.e., induction into spiritual office and benefices), was but one phase in the struggle between the secular and spiritual authorities. Given the nature of the visible Church, this struggle is almost inevitable and has persisted throughout the centuries. Since spiritual office and secular authority were especially closely associated in the medieval Church of the German Empire, since feudalism influe…
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