Vocabulary for the Study of Religion

Zugang erwerben Fachgebiet: Religionswissenschaften
Edited by: Robert A. Segal & Kocku von Stuckrad.

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The Vocabulary for the Study of Religion offers a unique overview of critical terms in the study of religion(s). This first dictionary in English covers a broad spectrum of theoretical topics used in the academic study of religion, including those from adjacent disciplines such as sociology, anthropology, historiography, theology, philology, literary studies, psychology, philosophy, cultural studies, and political sciences.

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War / Warrior

(3.934 Wörter)

Autor(en): A. Sebastian Anderson
Abstract: War and religion are related in several ways. Religious rituals may be required before combat, and deities may be invoked for support during battle. Away from the battlefield, religious fes…


(1 Wörter)

 Marriage; Ritual