World Christian Encyclopedia Online

Get access Subject: Religious Studies
Authors: Todd M. Johnson and Gina A. Zurlo

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This in the online version of the 3rd edition of the World Christian Encyclopedia, which documents the changing status of World Christianity over the past 120 years from historical and social scientific perspectives. It records the continued shift of Christianity to the Global South and contains estimates for religious and nonreligious affiliation in every country of the world, including detail on Christianity to the denominational level. This reference work features comprehensive descriptions of all Christian traditions, including current information on the uniqueness of Christian experiences around the world.

The online version is fully text searchable, contains cross references and additional photo material.

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(3,882 words)

Chung-hua Min-kuo (The Republic of China) Demographics (United Nations) Population 23,818,000 Area 36,000 sq. km (14,000 sq. mi) Population density 660/sq. km (1,700/sq. mi) Growth rate p.a. 0.28% (per 1,000: births 9, deaths 8) Under 15 years 13% Urban dwellers 79% (0.65% p.a.) Largest cities Xinbei 4,398,000; Taibei 2,721,000; Taoyuan 2,245,000; Gaoxiong 1,538,000; Taizhong 1,321,000; plus 3 over 300,000 Languages & peoples (World Christian Database) Mother tongues 97% Chinese, 1% Tagalog, 1% Amis, plus 21 others Peoples 71% Taiwanese (Hoklo); 16% Han Chinese (Mandarin…


(1,663 words)

Jumhurii Tojikiston (The Republic of Tajikistan) Demographics (United Nations) Population 9,475,000 Area 140,000 sq. km (55,000 sq. mi) Population density 66/sq. km (170/sq. mi) Growth rate p.a. 2.08% (per 1,000: births 25, deaths 5) Under 15 years 35% Urban dwellers 28% (2.73% p.a.) Capital city Dushanbe 916,000 Languages & peoples (World Christian Database) Mother tongues 68% Tajik, 24% Uzbek, 1% Tatar, 1% Shughni, 1% Kyrgyz, plus 35 others Peoples 67% Tajik (Tadzhik); 24% Northern Uzbek; 1% Tatar; 1% Shughni (Shugnan-Rushan); 1% Kirghiz; plus 36 others Socioeconomics Developme…


(5,570 words)

Jamhuri ya Muungano wa Tanzania/The United Republic of Tanzania Demographics (United Nations) Population 62,775,000 Area 940,000 sq. km (360,000 sq. mi) Population density 67/sq. km (170/sq. mi) Growth rate p.a. 3.10% (per 1,000: births 36, deaths 6) Under 15 years 44% Urban dwellers 35% (4.89% p.a.) Largest cities Dar es Salaam 6,702,000; Mwanza 1,120,000; Zanzibar 705,000; Mbeya 566,000; Arusha 493,000; plus 3 over 300,000 Languages & peoples (World Christian Database) Mother tongues 16% Sukuma, 4% Gogo, 4% Haya, 4% Swahili, 4% Nyamwezi, plus 138 others Peoples 16% Sukuma; 4% G…

Technical Notes

(7,003 words)

Technical notes There are many technical terms and statistics used throughout this volume. These brief notes explain how these are used, and, in some cases, the source. Global overview The ‘World as 100 Christians’ graphic draws on a number of sources to depict the proportion of various of subjects if the world consisted of 100 Christians. The outer ring of continent, gender, density, age, tradition and language comes mainly from data found in the World Christian Database ( WCD). The inner ring of 12 global issues comes from the intersection of United Nations and the Worl…