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Consejo Latinoamericano de Iglesias
(158 words)
[German Version] (CLAI; Latin American Council of Churches). The CLAI was established provisionally in 1978 (Oaxtepec, Mexico), and definitively in 1982 (Huampaní, Peru). It was preceded by various church congresses (including the Mission Conference in Panama, 1916) and ecumenical organizations (esp. Movimiento pro Unidad Evangélica Latinoamericana [UNELAM] and Iglesia y Sociedad en América Latina (ISAL). Membership of the CLAI is currently held by 144 (and other orthod…
Religion Past and Present
Congreso Latinoamericano de Evangelización
(118 words)
[German Version] (CLADE; Latin American Evangelization Congress). CLADE is the designation for a broad movement among Protestant and Pentecostal Christians in Latin America who have committed themselves to the Covenant of Lausanne (Evangelicalism: IV) of 1974. To date, four major evangelization congresses have taken place (1969 in Colombia, 1979 in Peru, 1992 in Ecuador, 2000 in Colombia). The movement regards the Latin American continent mainly as a mission fiel…
Religion Past and Present
Liberation Theology
(3,266 words)
[German Version] I. Church History – II. Systematics
I. Church History
1. Latin America, Africa, and Asia
a. The birth of liberation theology is usually dated to 1971, when Gutiérrez published his
Teologia de la liberación, or 1968, the year of the second Latin American Catholic Bishops' Conference in Medellín, Colombia. The two events represented the culmination of a process that had been underway in Latin America since the 1950s: the spread of the base community movements, which were working for social, political, and economi…
Religion Past and Present
(19,399 words)
[German Version] I. Concept – II. Religious Studies – III. Early Christianity – IV. Early Church to the Reformation – V. Modern Era – VI. Orthodox Churches – VII. Asia, Africa, Latin America – VIII. Systematic Theology – IX. Ethics – X. Practical Theology – XI. Ecumenical Discussion – XII. Law
I. Concept
1. Theology The loan-word, church, which in common parlance can mean both the Christian worship service and the building dedicated to its performance as well as the constituted social configuration of Christian faith in t…
Religion Past and Present