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(1,509 words)
[English Version]
I. Religionsgeschichtlich Für das Phänomen W. sind die inhaltlich verschieden qualifizierten Synonyme »Verheißung« und »Wahrsagung« gebräuchlich. Während das Wahrsagen in die dämonische Sphäre der Neugier des Menschen auf seine individuelle Zukunft gehört, wird Verheißung durchweg als W. eschatologischen, kollektiven Heils verstanden; Unheil wird nur »geweissagt«, nicht »verheißen«. Bis heute gelten die Kriterien des Hirten des Hermas (Herm mand XI [43]): Gottes Geist inspiriert d…
Evangelists, Symbols of the
(725 words)
[German Version] The Symbols of the Evangelists are found from the 5th century on: winged depictions of a human (angel), lion, ox, and eagle, representing the authors of the four canonical Gospels, Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, respectively. This scheme was based on the Early Church's interpretation of the four living creatures (lion, ox, human, eagle) that, according to Rev 4:6…
Religion Past and Present
(1,730 words)
[German Version] I. History of Religions – II. History of Art…
Religion Past and Present
Prophet, Prophecy
(6,407 words)
1. Religions 1.1.
Definition In Greek the term
prophētēs (prophet) refers to one engaged in public proclamation, as by oracles or poets. The word became significant when used to describe an OT phenomenon, as it came to denote the OT prophets in particular and then, by extension, similar NT figures, even though they were not specifically modeled on the OT prophets. The term then became a significant one in Islam, but again with characteristic modifications. In the history of Christianity and Islam (His…
(3,480 words)
1. Basic Considerations 1.1.
Distinctions No systematic hermeneutical examination of miracles in the lar…
Descent into Hell
(2,415 words)
[German Version] I. New Testament – II. Dogma and the History of Dogma – III. Art History
I. New Testament Christ's descent into hell, i.e. his descent to the underworld, the realm of the dead, is, as
Descensus ad inferos, one of the christological statements of the early and medieval church's confession of faith (Apostles' Creed, Athanasian Creed; Confession (of faith): III). Nonetheless, the NT does not offer a single certain text for this notion; at most, 1 Pet 4:6 may be interpreted as preaching by Jesus to the dead, before his resurrection (cf. Ign.
Magn. 9.2;
Gos. Pet. 10.41f.; Iren.
Haer. IV 27.2). In contrast, 1 Pet…
Religion Past and Present
(1,114 words)
[German Version] I. Ancient Near East and Old Testament – II. Greco-Roman World and the New Testament – III. Early Church
I. Ancient Near East and Old Testament The starry heavens were the object of enthusiastic study in the ancient Near East from earliest times. This is ¶ associated with the importance of the star cycles for the calendar and with belief in the divinity of the stars (Astral religion). From veneration of the stars, astral divination or astrology developed in Mesopotamia based on the conviction that the deities proclaimed their will …
Religion Past and Present
Elijah the Prophet
(2,156 words)
[German Version] I. Old Testament – II. Judaism – III. New Testament – IV. Christianity
I. Old Testament Elijah, an Israelite prophet in the 9th century bce, was from transjordanian Tishbe in Gilead (not yet located with certainty); consequently, he bore the nickname “the Tishbite,” but only rarely the title “prophet.” He appeared in the Northern Kingdom and was active under kings Ahab (871–852) and Ahaziah (852–851). He is said not to have died but to have been taken up by God to heaven. The
traditions concerning Elijah occur in 1 Kgs 17–19; 21; …
Religion Past and Present
(8,280 words)
[German Version]
I. Resurrection of the Dead
1. History of religions …
Religion Past and Present