Your search for 'dc_creator:( "Blaser, Klauspeter" ) OR dc_contributor:( "Blaser, Klauspeter" )' returned 6 results. Modify search
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Culture and Christianity
(3,266 words)
1. Problem The phrase “culture and Christianity” covers a broad and varied field that can be studied here only in terms of its relevance to fundamental theology and in light of the actual state of the discussion in the ecumenical world. Culture is the shaping of human existence in this world, while Christianity bears witness to the lordship of Jesus Christ that is not of this world, though fully oriented to it. A Christianity without culture or cultural impact is historically unknown and inconceiv…
(10,026 words)
Overview What Christianity has to say about salvation (Soteriology) is essentially bound up with the name and history of Jesus Christ (Acts 4:12, “There is salvation in no one else …”). This verse expresses a universal claim and distinguishes it from, or even contradicts, what other religions and worldviews have to say about salvation. Christianity speaks of salvation as a gift of God’s love (Grace) for us and our world that transcends death, ¶ bestows life, and promises eschatological fulfillment (Eschatology; Hope). This understanding presupposes that human beings (…
Liberal Theology
(2,253 words)
[German Version] I. General – II. Church History – III. Systematics – IV. Practical Theology – V. Missiology
I. General The expression
liberal theology became prevalent in the “Saddle Period” (Reinhart Koselleck) of Neo-Protestantism between 1780 and 1820; it denotes a type of “modern theology” that combines strong demands for individual freedom through criticism of religious tradition, differentiation of subjective faith from ecclesiastically defined confessions of faith, an individualistic understanding of reli…
Religion Past and Present
Jesus Christ
(19,624 words)
[German Version] I. Name and Titles – II. Jesus Christ in the History of Christianity – III. Jesus Christ in Other Religions – IV. Jesus Christ in Jewish Perspective – V. Jesus Christ in Islamic Perspective – VI. Jesus Christ in Art
I. Name and Titles
1. Jesus of Nazareth
a. Terminology The appellation
Jesus Christ signals a significant tension regarding the figure in question. Although generally understood as a double name, it originated as a fusion of two heterogeneous elements: the theophoric personal name Joshua/Jeshua (Heb. “the Lord help…
Religion Past and Present
(4,028 words)
[German Version] I. Fundamentals – II. History – III. Missiology and Practical Theology
I. Fundamentals The term Evangelism is derived from the Greek verb εὐαγγελíζεσϑαι/
euangelízesthai, which means to proclaim the “good news” to outsiders. Jesus' proclamation in Luke 4:18 can already be understood as evangelism, since it aims to preach the gospel to the poor. The first disciples, according to Matt 28:19–2…
Religion Past and Present
(7,296 words)
[German Version] I. History of the Discipline – II. Methodology – III. Missiology and Other Disciplines – IV. Missiological Hermeneutics – V. Topics of Missiology – VI. Research and Study
I. History of the Discipline From the outset, Christians have reflected on the practical and theological questions posed by the Christian mission, as illustrated, for example, by the Pauline Epistles, the book of Acts, and, c. 600, the well-known missionary instructions of Gregory the Great. At certain critical times in the history of Chri…
Religion Past and Present