
Your search for 'dc_creator:( "Burger, Maya" ) OR dc_contributor:( "Burger, Maya" )' returned 2 results. Modify search

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(5,320 words)

Author(s): Burger, Maya
Date: 2020-05-18


(5,093 words)

Author(s): Burger, Maya
In the 15th–16th centuries, there lived in Benares a poet-singer known as Kabīr (?–1518), weaver by trade and rebel in religious matters, who bequeathed to posterity a living tradition of singing his “truth” about worldly and divine questions and proposing a new, direct practice to experience extraworldly dimensions. For the last five hundred years, his poem-songs have enjoyed tremendous acclaim, locally and internationally, and are a source of inspiration and imitation. For many adherents to his views, he is a spiritual master ( gur…
Date: 2020-05-18