
Your search for 'dc_creator:( "Carter, M.G." ) OR dc_contributor:( "Carter, M.G." )' returned 23 results. Modify search

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(696 words)

Author(s): Carter, M.G.
(a.), a term of Arabic grammar broadly denoting juncture, i.e. a syntactic or phonological “connecting”; it is thus the antonym of both interruption ( ḳaṭʿ [ q.v.]) and pause ( waḳf [ q.v.]). ¶ …


(2,704 words)

Author(s): Carter, M.G.
(a.), lit. “origins, roots”, a term of Arabic grammar. Here, the applications of this term can broadly be divided into two categories, (i) most frequently in the singular aṣl , denoting a basic form, concept or structure, and (ii) exclusively in the plural, denoting the fundamental principles of grammar as a science. The singular aṣl has a wide range of meanings extending over phonology, morphology and syntax (Baalbaki; Bohas, etc. 1990, index) conveniendy summarised in Kinberg’s Lexicon of al-Farrāʾ (s.v. aṣl) as “the original vocalization, form, construction, meaning, wri…


(482 words)

Author(s): Carter, M.G.
(a., pl. ẓurūf ), lit. “vessel, container”, in grammar denotes a subset of nouns of place or time in the dependent ( naṣb , vulgo “accusative”) form indicating when or where the event occurs, e.g. d̲j̲alastu yawm-a-n warāʾ-a-hu

Ṭāhir b. Aḥmad b. Bābas̲h̲ād̲h̲

(443 words)

Author(s): Carter, M.G.
, Abu ’l-Ḥasan, al-Naḥwī al-Miṣrī, the most important Egyptian grammarian of his time, usually referred to as Ibn Bābas̲h̲ād̲h̲ , d. 469/1077. Of Daylamī origins, his father or grandfather set up in Cairo, where, after an interlude in ʿIrāḳ trading in precious stones, Ibn Bābas̲h̲ād̲h̲ found well-paid employment as a kātib in the Dīwān al-ins̲h̲āʾ , as well as presiding over Ḳurʾān recitation at the mosque of ʿAmr. He died in a fall from the minaret of this mosque, in which he had secluded himself for some time in a pious aband…


(517 words)

Author(s): Carter, M.G.
(a.), literally “superiority, the act of raising something to a higher level or degree”. In grammar, it is the raising of a quality to a degree combining both the “comparative” and “superlative” functions of European adjectives, hence usually translated as “elative”. Formally, the elative has the patterns


(8,215 words)

Author(s): Carter, M.G.
, pioneer Arabic grammarian, the author of a single, untitled work, known only as Kitāb Sībawayhi and acknowledged as the founding text of Arabic grammatical science. All else, his name, origins, dates and originality, is uncertain, Sībawayhi having died too young and too far away from the cultural centres of ʿIrāḳ to establish himself in the scholarly biographical tradition. 1. Life and teachers. (a) Life . Sībawayhi’s name is usually given as Abū Bis̲h̲r ʿAmr b. ʿUt̲h̲mān b. Ḳanbar, mawlā of Banū Ḥārit̲h̲ b. Kaʿb Sībawayhi. Humbert (1995, 3-8) discusses the many variants and argues persuasively that the full name arose from the need to fill the vacuum in the “onomastic chain”. In practice, he is never ¶ called anything but Sībawayhi, explained by folk etymology as Persian for “Apple fragrance” or even “30 scents”, though actually a nickname, Sēbōe “Little Apple” (Nöldeke,


(2,862 words)

Author(s): Carter, M.G.
(a.), lit. «origines, racines», terme de grammaire arabe. Ici, on peut diviser grosso modo les applications de ce terme en deux catégories: (I) le plus souvent au singulier, aṣl désigne une forme, un concept, une structure, de base, et (II) exclusivement au pluriel, il indique les principes fondamentaux de la grammaire en tant que science. Le singulier aṣl offre un large éventail de significations couvrant la phonologie, la morphologie et la syntaxe (Baalbaki; Bohas, etc. 1990, index) résumé par Kinberg de façon pratique dans le Lexicon d’al-Farrāʾ (s.v. aṣl) comme étant «la vocali…


(504 words)

Author(s): Carter, M.G.
(a., pl. ẓurūf), litt. «récipient (vaisseau), contenant», en grammaire désigne un sous-ensemble de noms de lieu ou de temps, de forme subordonnée ( naṣb, «accusatif»), qui indique quand et où se passe l’événement, par ex. d̲j̲alastu yawm-a-n warāʾ-a-hu «je me suis assis un jour derrière lui». A cause de leur forme subordonnée, les grammairiens arabes les classent comme des compléments du verbe, en particulier comme l’«objet de lieu», mafʿūl fīhi, litt. «chose dans laquelle quelque chose est accompli». Aucun des termes occidentaux «adverbe» ou «préposition» ne peu…


(504 words)

Author(s): Carter, M. G.


(750 words)

Author(s): Carter, M. G.
(a.), terme de grammaire arabe désignant en gros joncture c.-à-d. «liaison» syntaxique ou phonologique; c’est donc à la fois l’antonyme de “interruption” ( ḳaṭʿ [ q.v.]) et de “pause” ( waḳf [ q.v.]). Son origine est probablement dans la récitation du rCur’ân, où le choix d’enchaîner avec le mot suivant sans marquer d’arrêt dépend principalement de raisons syntaxiques ou sémantiques, le texte portant les signes adéquats selon que le

Ṭāhir b. Aḥmad b. Bābas̲h̲ād̲h̲

(439 words)

Author(s): Carter, M.G.
, Abū l-Ḥasan, al-Naḥwī al-Miṣrī, le plus grand grammairien égyptien de son temps, habituellement appelé …


(8,652 words)

Author(s): Carter, M.G.
, pionnier de la grammaire arabe, auteur d’un seul et unique ouvrage sans titre, connu sous le seul nom de Kitāb Sībawayhi et reconnu comme le texte fondateur de la science grammaticale arabe. Tout le reste, nom, provenance, dates et originalité reste incertain, Sībawayhi étant mort trop jeune, et trop loin des centres culturels du ʿIrāḳ pour s’installer dans la tradition biographique du monde savant. 1. Sa vie et ses maîtres. (a) Sa vie. Le nom de Sībawayhi est habituellement donné sous la forme Abū…


(1,061 words)

Author(s): Carter, M.G. | van Ess, J.
(a.), lit: “to spit out” (see WbKAS , letter L, ii/2, 989). 1. In grammar. Here it denotes primarily the actual expression of a sound or series of sounds, hence “articulation” and, more broadly, the resulting “linguistic form”. It has ¶ always been distinct from ṣawt “[individual] sound” (cf. Troupeau, ṣ-w-t , and see Bakalla, 39 ff. and 49 ff., for its use in Ibn D̲j̲innī (d. 392/1002 [ q.v.]), which provides the base for the modern Arabic terms for phonetics, ʿilm al-aṣwāt , and phonology, ʿilm wa…


(1,110 words)

Author(s): Carter, M. G. | van Ess, J.
(a.), litt: «cracher» (voir WbKAS, lettre L, II/2, 989). 1. En grammaire. Il désigne ici principalement l’émission même d’un son ou d’une série de sons, d’où «articulation» et, plus largement la «forme linguistique» qui en résulte. On l’a toujours distingué de


(843 words)

Author(s): Miller, L. B. | Carter, M. G.
(a.), littéralement «faire connaître» d’où «définition». 1. Terme de logique. Ibn Sīnā semble avoir été le premier philosophe à employer le mot


(665 words)

Author(s): Carter, M.G. | Gelder, G.J.H van
(a.), literally “the adducing of a likeness, example; representation”. 1. In grammar. Here, it is used in various senses. As a denominative from mat̲h̲al “example”, it denotes the citing of examples and the technique of definition by exemplification (cf. Versteegh, 59, n. 8), while from mat̲h̲al in the extended meaning of “proverb”, it denotes the creation or use of such expressions; thus the phrase ʿalayhi māl un is called a tamt̲h̲īl by al-Mubarrad [ q.v.] ( al-Muḳtaḍab , i, 51) “because [the d…


(813 words)

Author(s): Miller, L.B. | Carter, M.G.
(a.), lit. “making known”, hence “definition”. 1. As a term in logic. Ibn Sīnā appears to have been the first philosopher to use the word taʿrīf as a general term for definition that encompasses both “Aristotelian definition” ( ḥadd [ q.v.]) and descriptive definition, rasm , Gr. ύπογραφή Ibn Sīnā defines taʿrīf more generally as “an intentional act, by means of speech or sign, that causes the person perceiving it to conceive of the thing defined” huwa …


(1,326 words)

Author(s): Juynboll, G.H.A. | Peters, R. | Carter, M. G.
(a.), litt. sain, en bonne santé. 1. Comme terme technique de la science du ḥadīt̲h̲. Il n’est pas entré dans l’usage dès l’i…


(685 words)

Author(s): Carter, M.G. | Gelder, G.J.H van
(a.), littéralement «image, exemple; représentation». 1. En grammaire, tamt̲h̲īl est employé avec plusieurs sens. En tant que dénominatif formé sur mat̲h̲al «exemple», il signifie la citation d’exemples et la technique de la définition par une explication au moyen d’exemples (cf. Versteeg̲h, 59, n. 8), alors que formé sur mat̲h̲al dans le sens étendu de «proverbe», il signifie la création ou l’empl…


(2,063 words)

Author(s): Arnaldez, R. | Izzi Dien, Mawil Y. | Heinrichs, W.P. | Carter, M.G.
(a.), pl. asbāb , literally "rope" ( ḥabl
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