
Your search for 'dc_creator:( "Enenkel, Karl A. E." ) OR dc_contributor:( "Enenkel, Karl A. E." )' returned 8 results. Modify search

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Piccolomini, Enea Silvio

(1,818 words)

Author(s): Enenkel, Karl A. E.
Aeneas Sylvius Piccolominus; Italian Humanist, writer, diplomat and Pope. Born Corsignano (later Pienza), 18. 10. 1405, died Ancona 15. 8. 1464. Studied law at Univ. of Siena 1423–1428 and Florence 1429–1430, also classical studies and rhetoric. 1432–1444 secretary to various bishops, Cardinal Albergati and Antipope Felix V. 1436–1442 scribe, abbreviator and provost of the colleague of abbreviators at the Council of Basel. 1436–1458 numerous diplomatic missions. Crowned poeta laureatus 1442 at the Frankfurt Reichstag. 1442–1455 secretary and diplomat in the service o…


(2,371 words)

Author(s): Enenkel, Karl A. E.
Francesco Petrarca. Italian Humanist and poet. Born Arezzo 20. 7. 1304, died Arquà (near Padua) 19. 7. 1374. Privately tutored before 1316 in Latin grammar and rhetoric by Convenevole da Prato; 1316–1320 studied law at Montpellier, 1320–1326 at Bologna. Concurrent private classical studies: at Bologna, a student of Giovanni del Virgilio (prof. of Latin poetry). 1326, began an ecclesiastical career (minor orders). 1326 court chaplain and secretary to Giacomo Colonna, Bishop of Lombez, then from 1…

Petrarca, Francesco

(2,145 words)

Author(s): Enenkel, Karl A. E.
Ital. Humanist und Dichter. Geb. am 20. 7. 1304 in Arezzo, gest. am 19. 7. 1374 in Arquà (bei Padua). Vor 1316 Privatunterricht in lat. Grammatik und Rhetorik bei Convenevole da Prato; 1316–1320 Studium der Rechtswiss. in Montpellier, 1320–1326 in Bologna; nebenher privates Studium der klass. Alt.wiss.; in Bologna Schüler des Giovanni del Virgilio (Prof. für lat. Dichtung). 1326 Beginn der kirchlichen Laufbahn (niedere Weihen); 1326 Hofkaplan und Sekretär von Giacomo Colonna, Bischof von Lombez,…

Piccolomini, Enea Silvio

(1,691 words)

Author(s): Enenkel, Karl A. E.
Aeneas Sylvius Piccolominus; ital. Humanist, Schriftsteller, Diplomat und Papst. Geb. am 18. 10. 1405 in Corsignano (später Pienza), gest. am 15. 8. 1464 in Ancona. Studium der Rechtswiss. an den Univ. Siena 1423–1428 und Florenz 1429–1430, daneben der Alt.wiss. und Rhetorik. 1432–1444 Sekretärstellen bei diversen Bischöfen, Kardinal Albergati und Konzilspapst Felix V.; 1436–1442 Schreiber, Abbreviator und Vorsteher des Abbreviatorenkollegs beim Konzil von Basel. 1436–1458 zahlreiche diplomatische Missionen. 1442 Krönung zum poeta laureatus auf dem Reichstag in F…

The Neo-Latin Commentary

(5,819 words)

Author(s): Enenkel, Karl A. E.
¶ Between 1400 and 1700, more commentaries were written than during any other period of ‘Western’ history, by a larger number of intellectual players who belonged to a broader spectrum of social strata…


(1,479 words)

Author(s): Enenkel, Karl A. E.
¶ The genre of the Emblem is a true invention of early modern literary culture, and it is characterised by Neo-Latin humanism and the printing press. It was created by the Milanese humanist and jurist Andrea Alciato, who composed (from c. 1…

Petrarca, Francesco

(1,540 words)

Author(s): Enenkel, Karl A. E.
¶ Francesco (Franciscus) Petrarca or Francis Petrarch (o20-7-1304 in Arezzo, †19-7-1374 in Arquà) was the eldest son of Elietta Canigiani and the Florentine notary Ser Piero Petracco, who was exiled in 1302 because he belonged to the bia…

Neo-Latin Erotic and Pornographic Literature (c. 1400–c. 1700)

(9,031 words)

Author(s): Enenkel, Karl A. E.
¶ What one regards as ‘erotic’ and ‘pornographic’ depends on cultural, social, religious, and intellectual discourses, and those of the fifteenth, sixteenth and seventeenth centuries certainly differ f…