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(792 words)
1. Concept “Autonomy,” derived from Gk.
autos (self) plus
nomos (law), means establishing one’s own law. It became a technical term in Thucydides (5th cent. b.c.), who used it to describe a city under foreign domination that was allowed to make its own internal laws. It was again used as a term in political law in the 15th century to denote the independence of a tribe, group (confession), or institutions (e.g., a university) within a superior community. This precise sense in political law has remained to the present day. “Autonomy” must be strictly distinguishe…
(20,501 words)
[German Version]
I. The Concept
1. History. As a sign of modern reflection on religion from an anthropo-philosophical perspective, we may take the emergence of philosophical anthropology (Human beings) c. 1600 (Odo Marquard) and the philosophy of religion c. 1770. However these two disciplines are defined – whether as (sub)disciplines of philosophy or simply as philosophy –, they are related to the problems raised by the various positions taken in modern debates over (Christian) religious belief (Faith…
Religion Past and Present