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(1,809 words)

Author(s): Giese, Alma | Reinhart, A.K.
(a.), thankfulness, gratitude; acknowledgment (pl. s̲h̲ukūr ); it also has the meaning of praise, which is gratefulness with the tongue. 1. As a religious and mystical concept. As a Ṣūfī term for an internal state and its external expression, s̲h̲ukr is a station ( maḳām ) of the wayfarer ( sālik ) and has all the above meanings when referring to human beings. However, s̲h̲ukr on the part of God signifies the “requiting and commending [a person]” or the “forgiving” a man: or the “regarding” him “with content, satisfaction, good will”, or “favour”: and hence,…