
Your search for 'dc_creator:( "Huehnergard, J." ) OR dc_contributor:( "Huehnergard, J." )' returned 1 result. Modify search

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(4,613 words)

Author(s): Rippin, A. | Heinrichs, W.P. | Huehnergard, J.
, a term originally referring to the Biblical personage, in modern times used also with linguistic reference. 1. The Biblical personage. Here, Sām denotes in Arabic lore and tradition Shem, the son of Noah [see nuḥ ]. The Ḳurʾān does not mention any of the sons of Noah by name but alludes to them in VII, 64, X, 73, XI, 40, XXIII, 27 and XXVI, 119. The Islamic tradition develops many details regarding Shem. His mother was ʿAmzūrah (cf. Jubilees, iv, 33) and he was born 98 years before the flood. He and his wife Ṣalīb were saved from the Deluge by entering the a…