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5.4 Septuagint (Samuel)
(8,725 words)
Part of 5 Samuel–Kings 5.4.1 Background ScopeIn the Septuagint tradition (, 1 and 2 Samuel are known as 1 and 2 Kingdoms (or, 1–2 Reigns). This designation refers to the initiation of the kingdom and to the first kings (Saul and David), while the Masoretic designation refers to Samuel as a prophet and probably also as the author of the book. There are good reasons to assume that the books of Samuel were translated as one consecutive block after Joshua and Judges (and Ruth).1 This connection can be seen especially in some translational features, such as the ren…
Textual History of the Bible
5.5 Septuagint (Kings)
(2,692 words)
Part of 5 Samuel–Kings 5.5.1 Background1–2 Kings is in many regards closely related to 1–2 Samuel (5.4), which is also indicated by the fact that the Greek version of Samuel–Kings is designated as 1–4 Kingdoms (or: Reigns). Most probably the time of translation immediately followed the translation of Samuel, which was around 200 b.c.e. All units of 1–4 Kingdoms have similar features regarding Baal with the female article and ἀλλόφυλοι “those from other tribes” for the Philistines ( The different book division in the Antiochene text (5…
Textual History of the Bible
2.3.2 The Aldine Edition of the Septuagint and its Derivative Editions
(6,021 words)
Part of 2 Modern Printed Editions of the Jewish Bible and its Christian Versions - 2.3 Editions of the Septuagint and Related Greek VersionsThe Aldine is the first printed edition of the Septuagint (I. Today the
Aldina/Aldine stands in the shadow of the
Sixtina (2.3.3;, however, it was the most important edition of the Septuagint in the sixteenth century. It was used by Bible translators throughout the sixteenth century as far as they resorted to the Greek text, among Protestants mainly besides the Hebrew tex…
Textual History of the Bible