
Your search for 'dc_creator:( "Krochmalnik, Daniel" ) OR dc_contributor:( "Krochmalnik, Daniel" )' returned 3 results. Modify search

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(10,459 words)

Author(s): Laube, Martin | Reichmuth, Stefan | Krochmalnik, Daniel | Kummels, Ingrid | Rüther, Kirsten
1. Christentum 1.1. VorbemerkungZur Eigenart des Christentums gehört, dass es von Anbeginn eine Theologie ausbildete und sich zur Auslegung des eigenen Glaubens der begrifflichen Mittel der zeitgenössischen, d. h. zunächst der griech. und röm. Philosophie bediente. In der G.-Lehre fand diese Verschränkung von theologischem und philosophischem Denken stets ihren exemplarischen Niederschlag. Dabei durchzog eine Reihe von Grundspannungen die ideengeschichtliche Entwicklung auch noch der Nz. Hierzu zählten (1) die Frage…
Date: 2021-06-18

Burial Controversy

(1,279 words)

Author(s): Krochmalnik, Daniel
In the 18th century, new medical findings led to an increasing fear of the burial of the so-called seemingly dead. While the Jewish Lumières criticized the early burial common in Judaism for being backward and demanded its abolition, the rabbinic authorities opposed any kind of innovation. The heated debate referred to as the burial controversy is considered the first and paradigmatic inner-Jewish reform controversy in the early era of emancipation.In Jewish tradition, leaving a dead body overnight to decompose without sufficient reason is considered an insult t…
Date: 2023-10-24


(4,175 words)

Author(s): Krochmalnik, Daniel
1. Jews in the world: There are about 13,000,000 Jews in the world. In most countries outside of Israel, they are a small, vanishing minority. Their quantitative representation, however, is scarcely proportionate to their qualitative importance. In their own self-concept, the Jewish people are the ‘whirlwind of world history’; nor are they alone in this estimate. One need only pick up the paper, or glance at a TV guide, to measure the importance of the Jewish theme. Anti-Semites are so obsessed with…