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(532 words)
[German Version]
I. In the Roman Catholic Church, this term (Lat.
vicarius, “representing the position of someone or something, representative, subordinate, deputy”) distinguishes really representative offices such as vicar general (office bearer of the diocesan bishop), vicar in law (Judicial vicar), bishop’s vicar or suffragan ¶ bishop (Episcopal titles), who have full power to act in the name of the one they represent, from offices under closer control, for example the apostolic vicar (Vicar, Apostolic; papal legate, episcopal representa…
Religion Past and Present
Pfarrvikar (Curate)
(268 words)
[German Version] In the Roman Catholic Church in Germany,
Pfarrvikar (Lat.
vicarius paroecialis) denotes an ordained assistant priest assigned to a parish priest (Clergy) (
CIC 1983 cc. 545–552). German equivalents are, varying from diocese to diocese:
Kooperator, Subsidiar, Lokalkaplan, Kaplan (Chaplain),
Vikar (Vicar). The English equivalent (also in the Anglican Church) is curate. A curate shares in all pastoral functions and acts for the parish priest. In some regional Protestant churches (Hesse-Nassau, Baden, Württemberg), curates…
Religion Past and Present
Pastoral Role
(487 words)
[German Version] The pastor’s professional role is made up of all the specific normative and intersubjective expectations and demands that are addressed to the role-bearer regarding his or her behavior in specific situations, which when realized lead to the predictability and reliability of expectations regarding this behavior. The supraindividual expectations generalized in the pastoral role are intended to ensure that for every case and for interpretation of the existential issues there is a qual-¶ ified person responsible. Role-adoption cannot be viewed primarily a…
Religion Past and Present
(5,886 words)
[German Version] I. Concept – II. History – III. Theology – IV. Sociology – V. Law – VI. Statistics
I. Concept The term “clergy” refers to persons who are ordained and who are ordinarily called to full-time (recently also part-time or non-stipendiary) service to carry out the preaching office. Etymologically, “clergy” is derived from the Gk
kleros, meaning “lot” or “inheritance,” possibly a reference to the tribe of Levi having the Lord as their lot (Deut 18:2). The etymological derivation of the German term
Pfarrer is not completely clear. If it is derived from Lat.
parricus, “fold…
Religion Past and Present