Your search for 'dc_creator:( "Nipkow, Karl Ernst" ) OR dc_contributor:( "Nipkow, Karl Ernst" )' returned 11 results. Modify search
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(4,777 words)
[German Version]
I. Religious Studies Pluralism arises from the ineradicable diversity (Unity and diversity) of the world, whereas monism presu…
Religion Past and Present
(4,252 words)
[German Version] I. Religious Studies – II. Systematic Theology
I. Religious Studies …
Religion Past and Present
Comenius, John Amos
(1,068 words)
[German Version] I. Life – II. Work – III. Influence (Jan Ámo Komenský; Mar 28, 1592, Nivnice, Moravia – Nov 15, 1670, Amsterdam).
I. Life After losing his parents at an e…
Religion Past and Present
Education, Theory of
(7,852 words)
[German Version] I. The Term – II. History – III. Present-Day Emphases – IV. Significance for Theology
I. The Term The expression “theory of education” (or: “education theory and methodology” – Ger.
Pädagogik) serves as a “collective term for all theoretical and practical endeavors in respect of education. As a theory, it refers to the essence of the teaching(s) or science(s) ‘about’ and ‘for’ education, and also to educationally significan…
Religion Past and Present
Religious Educational Theory
(4,327 words)
Religious educational theory can conveniently be divided into two parts, Protestant and Roman Catholic. Although nothing at the theoretical level makes this distinction necessary, it is helpful because of the markedly different settings of these two streams of Christianity. 1. Protestant The Protestant Reformation, because of its effect of producing difference and diversity within Christianity, created a new context for religious education. As a result, religious education became a focus of theoretical discussion. ¶ The concept of religious education embraces primaril…
(4,388 words)
[English Version]
I. Religionswissenschaftlich Der P. geht aus von der unauslöschbaren Vielheit (Einheit/Vielheit) der Welt, während der Monismus die Einheit der Welt voraussetzt und diese Vielheit lediglich als Vorstufe auf dem Weg zur »letzten« Einheit oder als Täuschung betrachtet. Von der klassischen Religionsphänomenologie wurde der rel. P. im Anschluß an R. Otto als Ausdruck unterschiedlicher Erscheinungsformen des einen Heiligen in verschiedenen Rel. gedeutet (Otto; Gantke, Begriff). Diese F…