Your search for 'dc_creator:( "Ohlemacher, Jörg" ) OR dc_contributor:( "Ohlemacher, Jörg" )' returned 3 results. Modify search
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(624 words)
[German Version]
1. Hermann von der (baron; Mar 17, 1835, Düsseldorf – Jul 25, 1906, Berlin), spiritual vice-president of the Evangelischer Oberkirchenrat (EOK), provost at St. Petri, Berlin, professor of theology, member of a noble family in Prussian service. After studies with J.C.K. von Hofmann and J.T. Beck, Goltz was a home tutor in Geneva. In 1861, he became embassy preacher in Rome and later was offered appointments as professor in Basel (1865), Bonn (1873), and Berlin (1876). The appointment i…
Religion Past and Present
Fellowship Movement
(1,250 words)
1. Definition The Fellowship Movement
(Gemeinschaftsbewegung) is an umbrella concept encompassing a wide variety of pietistic and theologically conservative groups in Germany. The term arose in the 1880s and referred essentially to the merging of vestiges of the pietistic awakening earlier in the 19th century with Holiness and revivalistic influences from Britain and North America. This blending resulted in the flowering of religious and charitable organizations, both within and outside the framework of the established regional Protestant churches. As voluntary societies …
Church History/Church Historiography
(14,105 words)
[German Version] I. Concept, Presuppositions – II. Development – III. Middle Eastern Church History and Historiography – IV. Religious Education
I. Concept, Presuppositions
1. Concept The concept of church history has not yet been studied sufficiently, but it is already clear that since antiquity extraordinarily different conceptions of Christian historiography have been in simultaneous competition over the interpretation of past, present, and future. Often the different methodological option…
Religion Past and Present